

Newspaper articles with a maritime theme 1749 - 1849

THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 12 August 1749 - “Whereas it hath been reported that I ISAAC DECKER, of East-Donyland in the County of Essex, Mariner, have lately asserted that THOMAS WEBB, the Younger, of Colchester in the same County, Brandy-Trader, laid an Information against ROWLAND NICHOLSON’S Boat and Cargo, by which the same were seized by Captain Martin, and condemn’d; Now I do declare, that the said THOMAS WEBB was not concern’d in such Information, and that such Assertions raised are entirely false.
Dated July 31, 1749. ISAAC DECKER.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 11 August 1750 - To be SOLD to the Highest Bidder, by Inch of Candle, On Wednesday, the 15th of August, 1750, at the Ship in Row-Hedge near Colchester in Essex.
The Sails, Rigging, and other Materials, of several small Cutters, lately burnt for Offences against the Laws of the Customs; also a cast Suit of Sails belonging to the Princess Mary Sloop, in the Service of his Majesty’s Customs at Colchester.
The Sale to begin at Three o’clock in the Afternoon.”
[By inch of candle - Instead of the hammer of the auctioneer concluding the bids, the purchaser was the last bidder before the candle went out. Alternatively, a pin was stuck in a candle, and when the pin dropped down, the sale of the article was concluded]
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 2 February 1754 - “To be SOLD, At East Donyland, near Colchester. AN old SLOOP, burthen about forty Tons, with her Sails, Rigging, a Boat, and all Materials belonging to her; she having been condemned for importing Goods contrary to Law. Enquire of Capt. Robert Martin, at the Place above-mentioned.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 4 March 1758 - “To be SOLD by Publick Sale, On Tuesday the 7th of March, at East Donyland, near Colchester. THE HULL and MATERIALS (consisting of Masts, Yards, Anchors, Cables, Sails, &c.) of the Ship Young Otto, Hambro’ built, of the burthen of about 300 Tons.
For further Particulars enquire of Capt. Peter Claassen, at Mr. Wyatt’s in Wivenhoe; where the same may be viewed until the Day of Sale.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 21 November 1761 - “To be SOLD in Lots, to the highest Bidder. On Wednesday the 25th of this instant NOVEMBER, at the Sign of the Ship in East Donyland.
ABOUT Eighty Fathom of good thirteen-inch CABLE, a small Anchor, a Ship’s Long-Boat with four Oars, several Pieces of Sails, some old Canvas, and some of a Ship’s Standing and Running Rigging, (but most of it cut in Pieces) and a Stream Cable, &c.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 14 December 1765 - “Whereas an ANCHOR was lost of the 15th of November, off Bawdsey Cliff in 6 Fathom Water; the Buoy off the Rough, bearing S.S.W. distant about two Miles, and Harwich high Light bearing W. by N. half N. and Bawdsey Church bearing about N. half E. The Anchor about 13 Hundred Weight, with three or four Fathom of twelve-inch Cable, the Stock almost new, the Cable wormed, a Nunn Buoy, with a five-inch Buoy-Rope about 18 Fathom long.
If any Person has taken it up, they shall receive proper Satisfaction by applying to Mr. Coppinger at Row-hedge, or Captain Thomas Murray at Mr. Camphor’s, near New-Crane, London.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 4 July 1767 - “To be LETT and Enter’d upon Immediately, At ROWHEDGE, in the Parish of East Donyland, three Miles from Colchester, in Essex.
A Very good and convenient SHIP-YARD and KEY, with proper Accomodations for building or repairing Ships and Vessels, from the smallest Burthen up to 300 Tons.
Also to be let & enter’d upon immediately, at the same Place, A very good GRANARY, and COAL-HOUSE which will hold near one hundred Chalders of Coals.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Kirby at the Custom House in Colchester.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 15 October 1768 - “To be SOLD by AUCTION, On TUESDAY the 25th of October, 1768, at the Sign of the SHIP in EAST DONYLAND. THE SLOOP CONCORD burthen eighty Tons, or thereabouts, lying at East Donyland aforesaid, with all the Utensils thereto belonging.
Enquire of Wm. Suddle, Mr. Robert Goodwin, or Mr. Gray, Shipwrights, at the same Place.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 18 July 1772 - “EAST DONYLAND, commonly call’d ROW-HEDGE, ALL Persons who are indebted to the Estate and Effects of Mr. ROBERT GRAY, deceased, late of this Parish, Ship-Builder, are hereby required to pay the same, on or before the 20th Day of August next ensuing, to Mrs. Ann Emmerson, at the late Dwelling-house of the said Robert Gray in Row-Hedge aforesaid, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice; and all Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the said Effects are desired to apply as above.
N.B. The STOCK to be sold immediately. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Simons, Carpenter, at Wivenhoe.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 5 June 1773 - “To be LETT, And Enter’d upon at MIDSUMMER next, At ROWHEDGE, three Miles from Colchester, Essex.
A Very good SHIP-YARD, with all suitable Conveniences for carrying on Ship-building; which Yard was lately in the Occupation of Mr. Robert Goodwin, Ship-builder, deceased.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Kirby at the Hythe in Colchester.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 1 May 1773 - “To be SOLD. THE STOCK in TRADE of ROBERT GOODING, late of ROWHEDGE or East Donyland, Essex, Shipwright, deceased; consisting of the Stock of Timber, Working-Tools, Utensils, &c., likewise a new Fishing-Boat on the Stocks, of the Burthen of 18 or 20 Tons, more or less; an old Vessel, called the Concord, formerly employed as a Pacquet from London to Colchester; three or four small Boats, &c. &c.
For further Particulars enquire of the Widow Gooding at Rowhedge, Executrix, or of John Key at the Hythe in Colchester, Executor; who jointly desire all Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Robert Gooding, that they forthwith pay their respective Debts to the aforesaid Executrix or Executor, otherwise they will be sued without further Notice.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 24 July 1773 - “To be SOLD by AUCTION, (by HENRY LODGE) At the WHITE LYON at ROWHEDGE, near Colchester, on MONDAY the 26th Day of July, 1773, at Three o’Clock in the Afternoon.
THE HULL of a new FISHING-SMACK of a very handsome Construction, burthen about eighteen Tons, launched on the Eighth Day of June last, and now remains in a Dock near the Place of Sale.
She may be seen at any Time before the Sale, by applying to the Widow Gooding at Rowhedge; or to John Key at the Hythe in Colchester.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 8 September 1787 - “Thursday next, about one o’clock, will be launched at Mr. Thurstan’s yard, at Rowhedge, a fine new sloop, of 140 tons burthen, all ready rigged and fitted for sea, intended for the coal trade, from the North to Colchester.”
THE TIMES - 19 July 1792 - “PORTSMOUTH - The continued series of barbarity exercised by Captain Aldridge, who was tried at the last quarter sessions for this borough, for maltreating his apprentice, William Allen, perhaps has never been equalled since Mother Brownrigg's days.
It appeared, that the parish officers of East Donyland, in Essex, in order to get rid of a pauper boy, whom they themselves describe to be deranged in his mind, and in a debilitated state of body, gave Aldridge ten guineas to take him apprentice in the oyster dredging business.
During the time the poor boy was in this servitude, he was not allowed the common necessities of life, was cruelly beat by day and night with boat-hooks, mop-sticks, rope-ends, &c. on the high seas, in creeks and harbours, by his master and his servant, one Jenkins, who was also indicted, but acquitted, as he acted under the direction of his master.
From the iron hand of oppression, he was seized and dragged by two women who live in East-street, Portsmouth, who humanely conducted him to the Poor-house, where he still breathes.
When he was brought to the work-house, two of his toes that had been trod upon were rotten off, and another was cut off by the surgeon employed next morning; his face, hands, and, in short, every part of his body, were lacerated in an astonishing degree by the blows he had received, and he was so emaciated with hunger and cruel treatment, as to be deemed in danger of immediate dissolution.
A statement of his case was transmitted to East Donyland, to those whose duty it was to have acted as a father to this orphan; but instead of the exertions which were expected from them, a paper came back, signed by the clergyman, one churchwarden, two overseers, a constable, and three persons, calling themselves principal inhabitants, giving Aldridge a good character, and desiring he might be liberated; but the humane magistracy of Portsmouth did not think proper to comply with this request. They brought, most properly, the culprit to substantial justice, thereby giving a lesson to all who take the charge of poor friendless children, that however they may exercise their native barbarous disposition on the high seas, whenever they reach a Christian port, the offended laws of their country must and will be satisfied.
After a very excellent charge from the Recorder, the Jury, which was respectable, without hesitation, pronounced the prisoner guilty, and he was sentenced to three months imprisonment, and to pay a fine of 15l. to the King."
PETTY SESSION BOOKS – Essex Record Office
“Examination of Thomas Walford of East Donyland, County of Essex, Fisherman, 17 April 1793.
On Tuesday night last, the 9th inst., Michael Everitt of East Donyland aforesaid, Fisherman, assaulted this examinant by collaring him, shoving him against the wall and at the same time treading on his toes, from which assault to this examinant hath been same ever since for which he this examinant did not give the said Michael Everitt the least provocation.
Signed Thomas Walford.
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 19 October 1793 - “To Be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT THE good Brig REBECCA and ELIZABETH, burthen about 140 tons, built at Colchester in 1787; a remarkable good sailer, square stern, shifts without ballast, of an easy draft of water, and abundantly well found in stores of all kinds; her rigging, mast, sails, and cables are all new within the last twelve months; she is an uncommonly strong and burthensome vessel, and may be sent to sea without any expence but provisions; now laying at Rowhedge near Colchester. Any careful industrious man, willing to take the command of her, may be accommodated by leaving ½ of the purchase money upon her; or the present owner will hold one moiety with such commander, and engage to keep her constantly employed in the coal trade. For further information apply to John Thurstan, merchant, Colchester.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 20 September 1800 - “The East Essex sailing match took place off Pyefleet Creek, in the river Colne, on Monday last, when the prizes were won and adjudged as follows, viz. The silver cup, to the Mary, W. Willett, of East Donyland; gaft (sic) top-sail, to the Tartar, W. Parish, of Colchester; suit of colours, to the Friendship, W. Brand, of Mersea; brass compass, to the Prince of Wales, J. Clark, East Donyland.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 5 June 1813 - “A VALUABLE and IMPROVABLE WHARF, On the River Colne, at East Donyland, With large commodious PREMISES adjoining, To be SOLD by AUCTION By WILLIAM LINTON, At the Sign of the Ship, at East Donyland, On Monday, the 14th of June, 1813, At Five o’clock in the afternoon, A Large and commodious Copyhold DWELLING HOUSE; consisting of a hall and 2 parlours in front, a large convenient kitchen, with suitable store rooms and pantries adjacent; 4 good bedchambers, exclusive of ceiled attics, to which there is a broad and handsome staircase; there is also a small Tenement attached, containing 2 lower rooms and a chamber.
The premises are supplied with good water, there is a neat flower garden in front, and at the back part is an excellent kitchen garden, walled on two sides.
The premises are situate at East Donyland, in the occupation of Mr. JAMES IVES, the proprietor; they are parallel to the river Colne, and have in front an excellent Wharf, in a state of thorough repair, capable of being made exceedingly profitable to the purchaser.
Further particulars may be had of Mr. Ives, on the premises; of Mr. F.H. Newell, solicitor, 46, High-street, Colchester, and of the Auctioneer.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 5 March 1814 - “To BUILDERS, CARPENTERS, and OTHERS, To be SOLD by HAND, As it now lies on the Quay, at Rowhedge, THE FRAME of a SHIP, (taken to Pieces); consisting of a large quantity of straight and round timbers, beams, pumps, windlass, capstan, &c. which will be sold in any quantity, for the convenience of the purchasers.
Enquire of Mr. Joseph Willett, Rowhedge. March 2, 1814.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 9 November 1833 - “HIGH TIDES - The tides on this coast were higher during the last week than have been known for many years. On Saturday last, the water in the Colne overflowed the wall of the river and did considerable damage. In many places the wall is much broken; and a vessel lying in the river was driven over the embankment into an adjoining meadow.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 8 November 1839 - “MOOT HALL, COLCHESTER. Thursday, October 31 - Before the Mayor. PILOTAGE CASE. Edward Griffiths, captain and part owner of a Welsh Schooner, called the Eliza Jane, slates, was summoned by a fisherman, named William Brown, of East Donyland, for the amount of 26s. for piloting the above schooner into this port, on the 26th ult. Mr. F. G. Abell appeared for the complainant.
Brown stated that he fell in with the vessel near the Middle Light, and went alongside to inquire if a pilot was wanted; the captain consented that he should take charge of the schooner for the purpose of bringing her into Wivenhoe, as that tide would not admit of her reaching the Hythe. The terms agreed upon were - that from the Spitway to the guard boat he should receive 1s. 3d. per foot upon the tonnage; and from the guard boat to Wivenhoe 1s. 6d. per foot. The contract was fully completed on the part of the witness, but the captain had refused to pay him.
Thomas Simons, a mariner, in company with Brown at the time of his making the agreement, fully corroborated his testimony.
John Owen, the mate of the schooner, stated that at the time Brown came up to make the inquiry, he was told that they did not require a sea pilot, but merely a river pilot to take them to Wivenhoe, and that nothing was said about 15d. being paid from the Spitway to the guard boat; but Brown was to be paid 1s. 6d. for taking the vessel down the river. It was, however, admitted that Brown took the helm shortly after he came on board.
The captain also stated that he considered he had been charged double Pilotage, as Brown agreed to take the vessel down the river for 1s. 6d. per foot, nothing being mentioned about a further sum from the guard boat to Wivenhoe.
Mr. Abell again examined his witnesses, who still persisted in the truth of what they at first stated.
The mate said that Brown stated he had a right to take charge of the vessel, and led them to believe that he was the river pilot.
The Mayor said that as Brown was not the licensed pilot for this port, he certainly could not claim the terms of Pilotage allowed by the Act of Parliament; and it was very wrong for him to represent himself to strange vessels as the river pilot.
Mr. Abell said that if Brown had made any illegal representations, he was amenable to the law; but he would submit that as a contract had been entered into between his client and the captain of the schooner, the latter had a right to fulfil it on his part by paying the sum agreed upon.
Considerable discussion here ensued as to whether the terms of the information were correct, in setting forth the sum demanded as “wages,” the question being - was it not a civil contract, and must it not be decided by a civil process? But after some further conversation, the Mayor strongly recommended the parties to settle the matter amicably; and acting upon this advice they retired, and succeeded in arranging it without the interference of the Court.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 27 February 1846 - “TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. J.G. Fenn. At the Ship Inn, East Donyland, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th of March, 1846, at Three o’clock in the Afternoon, under a Power of Sale.
ALL that Sloop or Vessel, called the “HAZARD,” of the Port of Colchester, of the burthen of 37. 5-10ths tons, now lying at the New Quay, with her Stores, an inventory of which will be produced at the time of Sale.
For further Particulars and Conditions of Sale, apply to Mr. S. TILLETT, Conveyancer, Colchester; or to the Auctioneer, Rookery, Ardleigh.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 3 April 1846 – COLCHESTER Navigation Improvement Bill. The bill went into committee yesterday morning before Sir John Guest, chairman; Mr. Gardiner, Lord A. Paget, Mr. Philip Howard, Sir John Tyrell, Sir G.H. Smyth, Mr. C.G. Round, and Mr. John Round.
Mr. Montague Chambers, Q.C., with Mr. I.K. Smythies, were counsel for the bill. The petitions against it were – from Mr. E. Marriage, proprietor of East Mill (which was understood to be arranged); from “several merchants, tradesmen, and inhabitants, carrying on business upon the banks of the river between Colchester and Wivenhoe”; and from “several owners and occupiers of land, wharfs, and other property upon the proposed line of works; upon both these latter petitions Mr. O. Malley appeared to oppose the bill.
Mr. Chambers in a lengthened and able speech detailed the objects of the Bill; its principal aim (he said) being to deepen, widen, and shorten the present Channel, so as to enable vessels of large burthen to reach the ancient commercial town of Colchester; the effect of which, he contended would be to advance the interests of the inhabitants of that town, and of all parties engaged in commercial pursuits along the River Colne from Colchester towards the sea; as well as the entire district of country in the habit of communicating with it.
The witnesses examined in favour of the Bill were – the Mayor (H. Wolton, Esq.); J.P. Osborne, Esq., James Trevenen, Esq., the Collector of Customs; Mr. J.U. Argent, the Comptroller, and Collector of the Channel Dues; all of whom expressed a decided opinion that the suggested improvement was a very excellent one, and that it would have the effect of greatly increasing the trade of the port by removing the present difficulties in the navigation of the river, and enabling large vessels to come direct to the Hythe instead of discharging into lighters at Wivenhoe.
The chief points advanced in opposition, and to which the cross-examination of the witnesses was directed, were- 1st, the removal of the fordways between Wivenhoe and Rowhedge, and Fingringhoe; and 2ndly, rendering the two last-named places liable to the payment of dues upon coals, and tonnage, from which they are at present exempt, without affording them any equivalent advantage, but on the contrary (as was contended) to the positive injury of Wivenhoe, by doing away with its present lighterage trade, and taking vessels up to the Hythe which would otherwise stop there.
Upon the first of these points Mr. Chambers undertook, on behalf of the promoters of the bill (should the committee, after hearing all the facts of the case, consider it necessary), to provide a floating bridge for the purposes of communication between the places named; which was met by an intimation from Mr. O’Malley, that if a satisfactory arrangement of that kind were made no further opposition would be offered on the point.
The second was not settled at the time the inquiry was adjourned; but the committee strongly recommended an amicable arrangement of the matter; and a meeting of the parties was afterwards held upon the subject, the result of which had not transpired when our reporter left.
The inquiry will be resumed this morning (Friday).
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 10 April 1846 - COLCHESTER NAVIGATION IMPROVEMENT BILL - Second Day - Friday, April 3.- The committee renewed the inquiry at twelve o’clock...
Thomas J. Jeffries examined. I am the treasurer of the Colne Fishery Company, which is favourable to the present bill; they have agreed to remove at their own expense the Hound Point; a minute was made of that agreement; that will be removed at their expense, as I believe the oysters are injured by vessels grounding in the river, and if this improvement is made that will be avoided at that particular place, because if the river was deepened and a steam-tug employed to take the vessels up, they would not have to tack to get round that point; our company is an old-established one - established by Act of Parliament.
Mr. Sparling examined. I am town-clerk of Colchester; the corporation offered to take off the Hound Point; the fishermen, not wishing to have the oyster-beds meddled with, offered to take off that point; the late actions were brought for vessels grounding at that point; the corporation is disposed to assist, as the owners of the soil of the river, is making every improvement in the river; I think a steam-tug would be an advantage in getting vessels up the river....
J. Mothersole. I am a shipowner at Rowhedge, and churchwarden there; 79 there signed a petition in favour of the bill; I think this would be such an improvement to the village that the inhabitants would not mind the dues; the ford is steep and dangerous, and I would rather send a team round by Colchester than let it go there; it is a strain on the horses, and it requires to know the time when it can be passed.
Cross-examined. I have known accidents occur there; but to a certain extent it is a convenience.
Re-examined. I have seen wagons stick in the mud there till they were unloaded.
George Levett. I am ferryman at the ford; there have not been more than 60 waggons over the ford in three years; it is soft and so steep as to be dangerous; I have seen accidents happen there; I would sooner send a wagon round by Colchester than let it go there.
Cross-examined. There are more carts and tumbrils than wagons pass there.
By Sir G.H. Smith. Three horses cannot draw up a load of wheat on the east side; I have seen two teams employed.
Cross-examination continued. The bottom of the river is hard; but the lord of the manor cannot do much to improve it, as if it was lowered the tide would be let into the marshes.
John Mann. I am a shipowner and merchant, at Colchester, and a landowner adjoining the river; if this improvement was made, vessels of 100 tons could come up to the Hythe; now only a vessel of 80 tons can do so; that would be a great advantage to the town of Colchester, and the general feeling of the inhabitants is in favour of it...
It was then agreed that the case should stand over until the first Wednesday after Easter; and the committee broke up.”
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THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 9 July 1847 - “MEETING OF THE PAVING COMMISSIONERS.- The monthly meeting of the commissioners took place on Monday last.... THE NAVIGATION BILL - Mr. Goody announced that this Bill had passed in the House of Lords on Friday last, and only waited the Royal Assent to become the law of the land... The Commissioners were aware that since they last met the Bill had been in Committee of the House of Commons, and had met with opposition; but the promoters had succeeded in getting it through the Committee, and it passed the Commons, into the House of Lords, where it was threatened with a further opposition, which was, ultimately, withdrawn; and he would state the terms upon which it was withdrawn. The arrangement was that he (Mr. Goody) should agree to an alteration of the clause in the Bill relative to the inhabitants of Rowhedge crossing the river, in the day time, in the ferry boat. viz.- that instead of the time allowed for crossing the river being an hour before and after sun-set all the year round, it should be until nine o’clock in the evening during the summer months, and eight o’clock in the evening during the winter months; those being the periods now allowed. The next point was that the inhabitants of Rowhedge and East Donyland should pay no more toll for crossing the river in the ferry boat than they now paid. The maximum under the new Bill was a halfpenny for crossing the river once. But the arrangement he had come to with the opponents of the Bill was that the inhabitants of East Donyland should not pay at a higher rate then before, viz.- a halfpenny for crossing the river and returning. The next point was that the promoters of the Bill should pay £50 towards the costs of the opposition. It might be said that before such an arrangement had been entered into the Commissioners ought to have been consulted. But when they recollected how near the termination of the Parliamentary session was, and how an opposition would have delayed the passing of the Bill, and what an expense would have been incurred in defending the Bill against the opposition (for although it would not have cost more than £20 or £30 to oppose the Bill, it would probably have cost the promoters between £200 and £300 to defend it), he felt he was justified in getting through it by yielding those three points he had alluded to, as it was so great a saving of expense, and so great a facility in getting the Boll passed this Session of Parliament. But a difficulty afterwards arose that he did not anticipate; for he found that the ferry toll clause of the Bill, being a money clause, could not then be altered in the House of Lords; the alterations agreed upon had passed their Lordships’ committee; but when it was sent back to the Commons the speaker decided that the alterations could not be made; and he (Mr. Goody) was obliged to conform. But it was afterwards amicably settled between him and the objectors that the measure should be carried out in the spirit they intended; and he (Mr. Goody) hoped that when the new body of Commissioners came into office, under the new Act, they would consent that the tolls in question to the inhabitants of Donyland should not be higher than they had previously paid, as they saw that the alteration could not be inserted in the clause of the new Bill. He trusted that what he had done in ther matter would meet with their cordial concurrence.
At the request of Mr. Havens, and in reference to the misunderstanding reported in our account of a recent Commissioners’ Meeting, Mr. Goody explained the circumstances under which Mr. Havens had consented to negotiate with him for withdrawing the opposition. The proceedings as detailed by Mr. Goody and confirmed by Mr. Havens were highly creditable to both gentlemen.
THE NEW ACT - Mr. Goody then informed the Commissioners that this would be their last meeting under the present Act. Their first duty under the new Act would be to elect 24 commissioners, of whom six must be ship owners.
After some discussion, it was agreed that lists of all persons qualified for election under the new Act, distinguishing those who were ship owners, should be printed for the information of the commissioners.
On the motion of Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Joslin, the report of the committee on the Navigation Bill, approving of the proceedings of the Clerk, was unanimously adopted.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 23 July 1847 - “COLCHESTER NAVIGATION AND IMPROVEMENT BILL. This bill last night received the Royal Assent; and, being now an Act of Parliament, it becomes the new commercial and sanatory (sic) charter of this borough.
The election of commissioners will take place on Monday week, the 2nd of August.
We trust no time will be lost in issuing the voting papers and list of persons qualified for the office, in order that the fullest leisure may be afforded for a proper choice.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 6 May 1848 - “On Tuesday a sailor, named Brown, fell from the masthead of a vessel lying at Rowhedge, and expired almost immediately.”
ESSEX HERALD – 13 February 1849 – “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday Feb. 10.- ROBBERY FROM A YACHT. Henry Richards, of Esher, in Surrey, was charged by Wm. M. Jones, of Sudbury, gentleman, with stealing wearing apparel from a pleasure yacht, at Rowhedge. Mr. Jones said he was owner of the Isabella yacht, and on Thursday week received information that a robbery had been perpetrated therein; the articles produced (two jackets) were his property. Joseph Everitt, mariner, of Rowhedge, captain of the yacht, said that on Jan. 29th, going on board, he saw the lock of the after-cabin broken, and missed several articles of wearing apparel out of a cupboard. He had locked the cabin on Saturday, and no person was left on board. One of the jackets now produced he could swear to. William Storey, one of the Metropolitan police, said that at half-past ten in the morning of February 1, the prisoner came up to him at Stratford-le-Bow, and delivered himself up for a robbery, which he said he had committed at Rowhedge, by going aboard a vessel, breaking open a cabin, and stealing two jackets, a shot-flask, and a pair of trousers. He added that he had got one of the jackets on, had sold another for 2s. to an inmate of the Colchester Union-house, and had disposed of the flask to a man on the road for 4d. and of the trousers to the landlord of a public-house six miles from Chelmsford. He said he was tired of wandering about starving, and might as well be transported; and that he had been previously imprisoned on a felonious charge, his term of imprisonment for which expired on Christmas-day last. Chas. Unwick, pauper in the Colchester workhouse, proved the sale of the jacket to himself by the prisoner. The latter declined to say anything in defence, and was committed for trial at the assizes.”
ESSEX HERALD – 6 March 1849 – “ESSEX LENT ASSIZE. March 5. Henry Richards, 21, labourer, pleaded guilty to stealing some wearing apparel from Michael Jones, at East Donyland – four months hard labour.”


THE ESSEX STANDARD - 14 December 1860 - “COLLISION AT SEA - On Friday, whilst blowing a single-reefed breeze from the southward in the Lower Swin, the smack Magnet, of Brightlingsea, Underwood owner, was run into by the smack Leader, of London, and immediately sank. The men on board, five in number, including a London pilot, had barely time to get on board the Leader before the Magnet went down with all effects on board. The men were subsequently transferred from the Leader into the smack Scout, of East Donyland, and safely landed at Brightlingsea on the same day.”





