

Diary 1862 - 1869
The following material comes from a diary in my possession. The handwritten diary has had many pages removed but some numbers remain visible on the stub of one page. Perhaps the diary started life as an accounts book.
The unknown author seems to have been a member of the Wesleyan Mariners’ Chapel in Rowhedge as several ex-pupils and events concerning schoolchildren and preachers are mentioned.
There are deaths recorded for which there are no corresponding burials at Rowhedge or Wivenhoe and which might be of interest to those with local ancestors.
Spellings etc are as found and much is difficult to decipher, some words being spelt as they would sound when spoken in an Essex accent. It is very difficult to resist the temptation to add punctuation, finish words and to correct spellings. A few words make no sense at all to me.
The diary will be deposited at the Essex Record Office.
My additional information is in italics.
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 24 January 1851. “OPENING OF THE NEW WESLEYAN MARINERS’ CHAPEL, AT ROWHEDGE.- [From a correspondent.] – This fishing village which is situated on the west bank of the river Colne, opposite Wivenhoe, where there are some valuable oyster-beds, with about fifty fishing boats, and contains nearly one thousand inhabitants, has for a number of years suffered greatly from the want of accommodation for public worship. Mr. John Martin, shipwright, of Colchester therefore liberally caused to be erected in his native village, on a plot of his own garden ground, a brick-built chapel, 36 feet long by 20 feet wide, and 16 feet to the eaves of the building; it has a gallery 15 feet long, by 18 feet 6 inches wide, and on the whole will seat comfortably 200 persons. The cost of the building defrayed entirely by Mr. Martin, is £120.- On Sunday last the chapel was opened for divine worship, when three appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. D. Appleby, Independent minister of Brightlingsea, Mr. J. Hawthorn, Wesleyan minister, of Messing, and the Rev. J. Hubbard, Independent minister of Wivenhoe. The building on this occasion was crowded, principally by fishermen and their wives and families from the surrounding neighbourhoods of Wivenhoe, Fingringhoe, Donyland, &c., and presented a happy and interesting picture. The liberal collection of £4 was received from this poor congregation during the day. On the following Monday evening a tea meeting took place in the chapel, which was well and respectably attended by the friends and well-wishers of its success, and addresses were afterwards delivered by ministers. The temporal support of the chapel we understand will be kept up by voluntary contributions, and its spiritual supplies by local preachers who sympathise with that body of Christians who were expelled by the Wesleyan Conference.”
ESSEX HERALD – 13 April 1852 – “GOOD FRIDAY. The members and friends of the Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Rowhedge, assembled together on Good Friday for the purpose of celebrating the opening of their chapel and school-room, and mingling together in various diversions by the river Colne. A substantial tea was provided in the chapel, of which about 170 persons partook. A public meeting was afterwards held, when Mr. Roy took the chair, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. W. Green, J. Houchin, Bowen, Sadler, J. Payne, and Mr. John Martin, the builder and owner of the edifice. The evening’s proceedings terminated about 10 o’clock. The chapel and school-room, which have been open about twelve months, are in a flourishing state, and already (says our correspondent) ocular evidences of a moral and spiritualising tendency have been produced amongst the poor neglected fishing population.”
p.1. 43,560 square feet to one acre of ground.
June 1862 Remaks. Young John Harris died with the lock jaw June age 18.
East Donyland burial register - John Abbott Harris buried 11 June 1862 aged 16.
June 1862 Old William Aldrige died 103 years of age.
East Donyland burial register - William Aldridge buried 11 June 1862, “aged 102.”
June 17 Carpenter William Cheek shot himself with a double baril gun and was buried June 21st 1862 aged 62 years [at East Donyland].
ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 24 June 1862. “MELANCHOLY SUICIDE. A determined act of suicide was committed on the 17th instant by Wm. Cheek, aged 62 years, landlord of the Three Crowns public house, East Donyland. It appears that Mr. Cheek had been for some time past in a depressed state of mind, and between five and six o’clock on the afternoon in question his family were alarmed by the report of a gun upstairs, and on rushing into his bedroom he was found lying on the floor struggling and moving his hands, and his face appeared as though it had been blown to pieces; a gun was lying by his side. Messrs. Havens and Squire, surgeons, were soon in attendance, but the unfortunate man died about twenty minutes past eight the same evening. The brother of the deceased died in an insane state of mind about twenty years ago, and deceased had been heard to say he thought he must make away with himself as his nerves were so very weak, and he could not stand any trouble. The gun was a double-barrelled one, and it is believed he discharged both barrels; a pistol loaded with shot had been taken from his pocket the same day by Mr. Squire, his medical attendant.- An inquest on the body of the unfortunate deceased was held on the 19th instant before W. Codd, Esq., coroner, and a verdict returned of “Temporary mental derangement.”
July 1862 John Cook shiped wrecked ships name Boy Tom of Wivenhoe struck on a sunking rock Wednesday evening July 23rd.
YARMOUTH INDEPENDENT – Saturday 2 August 1862. “SHIPPING CASUALTY.- The galliot Boy Tom, of and for Colchester, from Seaham, coals, grounded on the Holm Sand on the afternoon of Friday last, and became a total wreck. The crew were taken off by a yawl and landed at Lowestoft.”
NORFOLK CHRONICLE – Saturday 2 August 1862. “LOWESTOFT. Shipwrecked Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society.- The crew of the schooner “Boy Tom,” of Colchester, wrecked on the Corton Sands, as previously reported, have been forwarded home by Wm. Cole, Esq., the honorary agent at this port.”
J Martin had a carbuncal [com?] 15th August 1868.
p.2. When a …. Other Remarks for the year 1862.
Rowhedge School opened. Rev Mr Harrison from Birch preached.
August 28th Nearly 70 old people and Widows took tea in the school.
Mrs Daniell & Mrs Havens 2 principles of getting up the tea by subscriptions.
Sept 18th 1862 Mr Torriano died & was buried on the 26 of Sept minister at Rowhedge Church 47 years aged 78 years Grand funeral well respected by the people & school children of the parish.
ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 19 September 1862. “DEATHS. Sept. 18th, at his residence, North Hill, Colchester, after a short illness, the Rev. Vicessimus McGie Torriano, rector of East Donyland, in this county, aged 78 years.”
ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 26 September 1862. “DEATHS. Sept. 18th, at North Hill, Colchester, deeply and deservedly lamented, the Rev. Vicessimus McGie Torriano, M.A., Rector of East Donyland, in this county. For nearly half-a-century he faithfully discharged the duties of his sacred trust, and, dying, bequeathed to his sorrowing relatives and parishioners the bright example of a holy and consistent life, aged 76 (sic). “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 1 October 1862. “FUNERAL OF THE REV. V.M. TORRIANO.- On Friday the mortal remains of the Rev. V.M. Torriano were conveyed from Colchester to East Donyland, with which parish he had been connected as curate and rector for the long period of 47 years. The interment took place in a new vault near the chancel. The principal mourners were the Rev. Joshua Torriano, brother of the deceased. Mr. Wm. Torriano, his nephew, and a few more distant relatives. In the funeral cortège, however, were a number of the clergy of the neighbourhood; and at the entrance of the village it was joined by all the principal parishioners, together with the children of the village school (clad in mourning), while the vessels in the river lowered their flags to half-mast. There was also a large concourse of persons in and around the churchyard, and the funeral service, read by the Curate, the Rev. F. Swann, was listened to in deep and solemn silence. In fact there was every demonstration of respect for the memory of the deceased, and of the love and esteem in which he had so deservedly held. The arrangements of the funeral were carried out by Mr. Grimes, of Colchester.”
Rev. Torriano was instrumental in the design and building of the octagonal church at East Donyland.
Gratitude barge of Brightlingsea October 1862 father & 3 sons drowned Hedgethorn.
ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 24 October 1862. “Brightlingsea. Great fears are entertained that a barge manned by a father and two sons, named Hedgethorn belonging here, was lost during the gale of Wednesday. The melancholy loss of 10 smacksmen on the Gunfleet Sand is reported in our Harwich news.”
Evidently no bodies were recovered locally as there are no burials at Brightlingsea.
October 24th 1862 Young Glover, Whyat & Dove were drowned aged 21, 20 & 22, and 6 Harwich men from the mast head of a sunken ship struck on the West Rocks opposite Harwich belong to the Lord How smack, Mr John Powel, owner, Alfred Allen was safed.
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 29 October 1862. “HARWICH. SHIPPING CASUALTIES.- The gale was very heavy here during Sunday night the 19th instant, and sad losses of life as well as property have been the result. A large fleet of ships is now in port, many having sustained damage and losses, and several shipwrecked crews have been landed…. TEN SALVAGE MEN DROWNED ON THE GUNFLEET.- Harwich, Friday morning.- The salvage smack Koh-i-nor, of this port, has just come into the harbour, and reported that 10 men had been drowned at a wreck in Goldmer’s Gatway on the Gunfleet. It appears that on Thursday the Koh-i-nor, with the smacks Ranger and Cyrene, of Ipswich, and the Lord Howe, of Colchester, went to the wreck of the brig C.S.M., of London (the crew of which had been previously saved) for the purpose of recovering her stores. The wreck was partly visible at low water, the tops and rigging still standing. While the smacksmen were in the rigging, their boats being alongside, the brig, from the strength of the running tide, gave a lurch, and heeled completely over, sending the masts under water, sinking all the boats, and throwing all the poor fellows overboard. 13 men were thus at the mercy of the waves. The smacks came up as quickly as possible, but, having no small boats left, some minutes elapsed before they could get amongst them, and then only three could be rescued. One of these named Paul kept himself afloat with an oar; Crane with two, but he was so much exhausted that his life is despaired of. The remaining 10 were unhappily drowned. The names of the Harwich and Pin Mill men are:- Pilcher, and D. Clarke, who leave large families; J. Crane, S. Crane, W. Norman, J. Smy, J. Robertson, and W. Dale. The other men belonging to the Lord Howe. The melancholy accident has caused a good deal of sympathy for the relatives of the poor men, who were always ready to encounter storms or anything else in their perilous enterprise of saving life or salvage.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 31 October 1862. “HARWICH.- The Sad Loss of Salvagemen on the Gunfleet.- The melancholy loss of ten smacksmen at Goldmer’s Gatway, on the West Rocks, was noticed in our publication of last Friday; and we now append some further particulars of the catastrophe. It appears that the smacks Lord Howe, belonging to the River Colne; the Koh-i-noor, of Harwich; and the Cyrene and Ranger, of Pin Mill, went out to see what could be salvaged from the wreck of the brig C.S.M., of London. Thirteen men from the different smacks put off in skiffs, and, thinking the brig was safely fixed, they never anticipated danger, but pulled close alongside, the smacks remaining about 150 yards off to leeward. The vessel had a “lust” to the east, and the men were working at her on the west side. The tide sets in from the east and runs there with great force. On this occasion it suddenly heaved the brig over on to the boats, all of which were upset, and in an instant the 13 men were in the water. The men on board the smacks saw this, and, to use the expression of one of the men, they looked like so many buoys on the water. They got clear of the wreck, and there was a prospect of saving most of them, the sea being comparatively smooth. An attempt was immediately made to run the smacks up, but, unfortunately, the Koh-i-noor and Lord Howe missed stays and could not be got round. The Cyrene was more fortunate, and ran right up and succeeded in rescuing three of the poor fellows. One of these named Paul kept himself afloat with an oar; Crane with two, but he was so much exhausted that his life is despaired of. The remaining 10 were unhappily drowned. The names of the Harwich and Pin Mill men are:- Pilcher, and D. Clarke, who leave large families; J. Crane, S. Crane, W. Norman, J. Smy, J. Robertson, and W. Dale. The other men belonging to the Lord Howe. The melancholy accident has caused a good deal of sympathy for the relatives of the poor men, who were always ready to encounter storms or anything else in their perilous enterprise of saving life or salvage.”
ESSEX RECORD OFFICE – Port of Colchester, Shipping Registers.
Vessel: "Lord Howe", of Colchester
A tuck sterned, Carvel Built vessel, rigged with a sliding bowsprit, solely owned by
John POWELL of East Donyland, Mariner. The Master was John POWELL (likely John Sr)
She was built at Rochester in the County of Kent in the year 1767 as appears by a former
certificate of Registry granted at this port the 13th day of October 1828, No. 17, now
delivered up and cancelled. The Lord Howe has one deck, one mast, was 14 feet at the
broadest part above the main wales, with a hold 6 feet 8½ inches deep. There are no
galleries and no figurehead. Admeasured aground. The vessel was surveyed by James
Underwood ARGENT (Tide surveyor). Notes: REG DE NOVO No. 20, 1847.
February 23rd. First remarks 1854 (sic) William Wadley drowned. He was one of our 1st class scholars. Mr Payne preached his funeral sermon from the 22nd Chap. Of Proverbs 6 verse.
William Lemon Wadley was baptised at East Donyland 13 October 1839, son of William and Matilda Wadley. Presumably the body was not recovered as there is no burial at East Donyland.
March 1st 1854 (sic) William Seaborn first class teacher drowned he was buried on the 5th day of March. His funeral sermon was preached by Mr Payne from the 11th Chapter of John 11th verse there was 350 people to hear him preach.
East Donyland burial register: William Willis Sibborn buried 5 March 1854 aged 23 years.
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 10 March 1854. “DEATHS BY DROWNING.- An inquest was held at the Lion Inn, Rowhedge, on Friday last, before W. Codd, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of William Sebborn, a mariner, of that place, who was accidentally drowned on the previous Wednesday by the sinking of a boat load of stone, which he was rowing in the river Colne, near Clacton (sic). A man named Harrington, who was with him at the time, narrowly escaped a similar fate by buoying himself up with an oar till assistance arrived. The body of deceased was afterwards recovered with a net by his brothers close to the spot where the accident happened.- The Jury returned a verdict of “Accidentally drowned.” He has left a wife and three children.- A fatal accident of a similar character occurred to a boy named Wadley, of East Donyland, on Friday week. He had gone out to sea with his father and some other men, and whilst attempting to reach overboard fell into the water and was drowned.”
When a F……… once …….
1862 October 26th Bre…. Baker was drowned. He was another of our first-class scholars out foreign washed overboard.
November 30th 1862 Captain John Lay died with the yellow fever out foreign.
This date probably refers to the diary entry rather than Capt. Lay’s date of death. In 1860 Capt. Lay was on the Eliza Corry of London. Official No: 11067. Signal letters: K.R.C.S. Iron Brig. 216 tons. Reported voyages for that year were to Monrovia, capital city of the West African country of Liberia, on the Atlantic Coast at Cape Mesurado. Maybe this is where he ended his days.
January 11th 1863 Mr Goody of Colchester gave all the children a book each belonging to this school there being 80c. in number.
December 1862 A poor man named [blank] was killed acciedently by one of the trucks on the Wivenhoe Line he left a wife and 6 children.
February 8, 15 Mr Slack addressed the children 2 Sundays he came from Colchester in the morning.
1863 The 10th of March being the day when the Prince of Wales married to the Princess Alexandra of Denmark. The 2 schools of this village met together and paraded through the village where they sung the National Anthem 2 or 3 times after that they all went up to the new school where they had 2 booths build for the purpose where the 2 schools were regailed with bread and meat bread & buter a bun each & some beer oranges and nuts and then they were all dismissed.
May 24th 1863 being the 11th anniversary 85 children Mr Sebborn preached 2 collections 18..6 and 16..8 rewards to the children11 bibles 10 testaments Good tea meeting on Monday captain Penny of Wivenhoe in the chair supported by the Revd Smith of the Wivenhoe chapel.
The children received their rewards on June 7th /63 the rewards 1 prize book 12 beautiful gilt edged bible 12 [or 14] testaments and all the other children with a book each being 80 in number.
1863 Remarks
July 11th 1863 Mr Simons entered the church and engaged to take the first class boys.
July 12th.63 Mr Baker came back to the school again and spoke to the children.
July 19th/63 Mr Golding from London addressed the children.
November 8th 1863
Three aged men laid dead at once in this place Mr Lawrence, Mr Parker & Mr Stone.
East Donyland burial register –
Simon Lawrence buried 20 November 1863 aged 95.
Philip Parker’s death is recorded in the GRO index for this quarter of 1863. No burial found in the East Donyland burial register. He is presumably the Philip Parker born c.1813 at Assington, Suffolk who appears in the 1861 census for East Donyland.
Thomas Nathaniel Lewis Stone buried 13 Nov 1863 aged 72.
December 8th 1863
The Rose of Colchester was lost and all hands perished sank at back of the Heaps young John Finch, Captain Joseph Turner mate and young Allen from Colchester.
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 16 December 1863. “LOSS OF A COLCHESTER VESSEL.- The Rose, belonging to Messrs. Beckwith and Mills, of Colchester, was lost during the late gales on her passage from London to this port in ballast. It is feared that all hands are lost.”
January 3rd 1864
Mr Sebborn from Bergholt preached and distributed 120 buns to teachers and children.
Unreadable/crossed out writing.
January 22nd 1864. Mr J. Goody died aged 75 he was the composer of 15 verses about the loss of Oscar Lay, Thomas Lay, John Barnard, & Ambrose Everitt, on their retreat from a ship, on the Long Sands, on the night of the 6th of December 1855.
HULL PACKET – Friday 14 December 1855. “COLCHESTER, December 9.- There were landed here, late last evening, from the smacks Lord Howe and Triune, three of the crew belonging to the brig Emerald, of and from Shield for London, wrecked on the Long Sand on Thursday last, viz.:- Hugh Hughson, George Gaunson, and George Scott, each being honorary members of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society. It is feared that two of the crew of the Emerald were drowned; also Captain Barnard, of the smack Concord, two brothers named Lay, and Ambrose Walford, of the same smack; all belonging to East Donyland. They, with many others, were on board endeavouring to get her off the sand, but the weather becoming so bad, she knocked over, and to prevent her sinking in deep water, was brought up in five fathoms; the sea making so much the crew and boatmen, for the preservation of their lives, left helter skelter, except three of the boatmen, who had no chance of escape, and they – that is, Philip King and William Ponder, of the smack, Atalanta, and Farrow Sebborn, of the Oswald – had to take to the topmast rigging, where they remained for 37 hours, without nourishment of any kind, until rescued by the united exertions of Captain Powell, of the Lord Howe, and Captain Cook, of the Triune; in fact, the loss of life would have been very great if the boatmen (nearly 30 in number) had not succeeded in getting on board the Kentish Knock light-vessel. Four of the smacks engaged at the brig lost their boats.”
February 10th 1864. John Ives died aged 21 yrs through being severely burnt.
East Donyland burial register – John Ives buried 16 February 1864 aged 21.
May 15th 1864 Sergent Grub preached the anniversary sermon for the children.
May 19th 1864
Mrs Havens & Mrs Daniell commenced a Dorcus meeting in this school.
Wikipedia: A Dorcas society is a local group of people, usually based in a church, with a mission of providing clothing to the poor. Dorcas societies are named after Dorcas (also called Tabitha), a person described in the Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 9, v. 36).
August 1864 George Scrutton took a trip to Shields in the Monkwearmouth with (returned to) Capt. Allen and stayed at London a week.
September 2 [crossed out] October 1st 1864 Two powder magazines Erith two barges exploded 19 persons missed killed & wounded 9 persons found dead 750 barrels of powder in store 200 in the barge.
The contents of the other magazine we don’t know but about the same as the other one cwt in each barrell it is supposed that the accident happened through a man smoking on deck.
October 4th 1864 Fire at Fingringhoe Hall ten wheat stacks burnt with barns sheds & stables the loss 2,000 also a cottage some distance off burnt cause of fire was by a man accidently droping a lucifer into the lucerne when at work.
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 5 October 1864. “FIRE AT FINGRINGHOE HALL. About half-past yesterday (Tuesday) evening a mounted messenger arrived at the Equitable Insurance Company, a fire having broken out at the homestead of Fingringhoe Hall, in the occupation of Mr. D. Green. At present no particulars have reached us, but from the reflection of the flames in the horizon we fear the conflagration must have been of considerable extent.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 7 October 1864. “DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT FINGRINGHOE. On Tuesday last, about 6 p.m., a fire broke out in the farmyard at Fingringhoe Hall, in the occupation of Mr. D. Green , and quickly destroyed seven large stacks, consisting of wheat, barley, and hay, with several farm buildings, implements, and a quantity of dressed wheat. The Colchester engine, a party of soldiers, and the county constabulary, with Superintendent Daunt, were promptly on the spot to render assistance, and the wind was fortunately in a direction to save the dwelling-house, or the ancient brick-built hall must have been included in the ruins. A cottage adjoining the premises, occupied by a poor family, took fire, and was destroyed. Happily all the cattle were saved. The cause, it is clearly ascertained, was the ignition of some straw by a steam-engine employed at the time in driving a threshing machine in the stackyard. The property is insured in the Royal exchange and the loss is estimated at about £1,500.”
Mr Baker left the school August 1864.
November 12th 1864 Capt. H. Turner died very suddenly at Blyth Northumberland left a wife and family.
No burial at East Donyland.
No.14th 1864 Muller hung for the murder of Mr Briggs in the railway carriage Cost the crown 700l. [Could be 100l). Jerman Legion Society 300.
November 22nd 1864 Friendship of Wivenhoe lost all hands perished Samuel Shed from the Hythe Captain.
ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 29 November 1864. “SHIELDS, FRIDAY EVENING. Thirteen bodies have been cast up here. Among them those of the master and three of the crew of the Friendship, of Colchester, have been identified.
ALSO – “LOSS OF A COLCHESTER VESSEL AND CREW.- By telegram forwarded to Messrs. Pratt and Howard, of Wyvenhoe, the owners of the schooner Friendship, we learn that on Wednesday night the vessel was totally wrecked at the mouth of the Tyne, The crew consisted of Samuel Shead, of the Hythe, Colchester, master, who has left a widow and two children; Alfred Mitchell, of Wyvenhoe, mate, leaving a widow and three children; Daniel Page, Jas. Clark, and Wm. Button. The body of the captain has been taken ashore.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 30 November 1864. “FATAL SHIPWRECKS…. This afternoon an inquest was opened in the Town Hall, North Shields, by the Deputy-Coroner for South Northumberland, upon the bodies picked up on the north shore of the Tyne on Thursday night and yesterday, and who belonged to the two wrecked vessels -Stanley and Friendship. The body of Samuel Shead, master, and Thomas Page, a seaman, belonging to the Friendship, with others, were identified …. The remains of …. and those of Samuel Shead (master) and Daniel Page (seaman) on board the capsized schooner, the Friendship, have been interred in the cemetery at the cost of the committee; and it is understood that the former had left a widow and three children at the Hythe, Colchester, the committee propose to do something for them.”
The committee consisted of ladies and gentlemen from the village of Tynemouth who looked after the rescued passengers and supported the relatives of the deceased.
Nov. 26th 1864 Mr Holmes the school masters father fell down on Wivenhoe wall in a fit was brought home by three men; & died the next day.
Nov. 27th/64 Mr Hawthorn from Bromley addressed the teachers & children.
Nov. 28th 1864 The Argo schooner was lost all hands saved but the captain who went down the cabin after his watch while he was there the rope was cut the hands thinking he was in the boat Capt. Hadley of Wivenhoe.
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 30 November 1864. “LOSS OF ANOTHER COLCHESTER VESSEL. On Monday intelligence was received at Great Yarmouth of the total loss of the schooner Argo, of Colchester, from Hartlepool for London, with coals. During the dreadful gale on Friday night the vessel struck on Gorton Sands, a dangerous reef lying between Yarmouth and Lowestoft, and almost immediately went on her beam ends. The crew, consisting of five hands, got out the boat, and at great risk to their lives scrambled into it, cut the rope, and drifted off. In their hurry they forgot the master, Capt. S. Hedley (sic), and they made a desperate attempt to regain the schooner, but without avail, as the wind was dead against them with a tremendous sea on. The boat drifted over the sands through St. Nicholas’ Gat, and was carried at the mercy of the waves into Yarmouth roadstead. The little craft with the half-naked sailors on boars was then driven through the Cockle Gatway into the Wold, and, after suffering intensely from cold and exposure, the poor fellows were picked up in a very exhausted state by the barque Medora, and landed at Yarmouth, where they were received at the Sailors’ Home. The vessel has disappeared, and the unfortunate master has doubtless met with a watery grave.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 9 December 1864. “PORT OF COLCHESTER. LOSS OF LIFE IN THE RECENT STORMS. SUBSCRIPTION. In aid of the WIDOWS and ORPHANS of three Seamen from this Port, lost in the Gale of the 24th and 25th ult. Among the many lives lost in the disastrous Gales of the 24th and 25th of November were those of three Seamen and a Youth from this Port, filling four houses with the deepest distress, and depriving three Wives with their Children of their Husbands and Parents, and, with them, of the means of subsistence.
The case of these bereaved families is submitted to the sympathy and assistance of the Inhabitants of the Town and the Residents in the neighbourhood, in the belief that the sad calamity will be regarded as a special call to the duty of visiting the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction.
SAMUEL SHEAD, resident at the Hythe, was master of the Schooner Friendship, of this Port, which was driven ashore at the mouth of the Tyne in the gale of the 24th, and the whole crew perished, the Schooner becoming a total wreck, and nothing recovered. The Widow of the Master is left with three children, the eldest under 10 years of age, and has no income from any source. The Employer of the unfortunate man, Mr. THOMAS MOY, speaks of him as “most steady and deserving.”
SAMUEL HADLEY and ALFRED MITCHELL., the former Master of the Argo, lost off Yarmouth, and the other Mate of the Friendship, were both residents at Wivenhoe, and have each left a Widow and Child; Mrs. Mitchell also expecting her confinement shortly. Hadley was well know in the parish, and was universally respected as an industrious, steady, and painstaking young man; and the circumstances attending his loss are particularly painful. He alone of the crew perished – the boat containing the crew having pushed off, leaving him on board; and though the men heard his cry – “For God’s sake, my dear lads, don’t leave me,” or words to that effect, the sea swept them away, and they could not return to his help; and so it is supposed he perished when the vessel broke up.
MITCHELL, the mate of the Friendship, served Her Majesty in the Baltic during the Russian war, on board the Caesar; he was also a Volunteer in the Royal Naval Reserve, and was a man of good character.
Contributions for the benefit of the bereaved families will be received at the Banks and the Newspaper Offices; and by the following gentlemen, who have consented to act as a Committee for administering the Fund:-
Committee. The Mayor (Major Bishop), Rev. E.T. WATERS, Rector of Wivenhoe, Mr. JOHN BAWTREE, Jun., Mr. HENRY EGERTON GREEN, Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, Mr. THOMAS MOY, the Hythe, Capt. WILLIAM HAM, Wivenhoe.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 16 December 1864. “WYVENHOE. BEREAVEMENTS FROM SHIPWRECK DURING THE LATE GALES:- Activity has been manifested by our townsman, Captain Wm. Ham, in exerting himself to collect monies for the widows and orphans of the captains and mate of the Friendship and Argo, recently shipwrecked, and in Wyvenhoe nearly twenty pounds have been collected. This is to be augmented by a more public subscription, and distributed under the direction of a committee.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Wednesday 4 January 1865. “We have the pleasure of announcing that the Tynemouth Shipwrecks Relief Committee have most kindly forwarded, through the hands of Mr. Shewell, the sum of £10 each for the widows of Samuel Shead and Alfred Mitchell, master and Mate of the Friendship, of Colchester, wrecked off that port on the 24th November. The Colchester subscriptions for the relief of these, and the widow of Samuel Hadley, Master of the Argo, who was lost off Yarmouth on the 25th Nov., are at present about £70; and the Wivenhoe subscriptions, £20. We are requested to state that the third and concluding list of subscriptions will be forthwith advertised.
We have just been informed, too, of a gratifying tribute of sympathy towards “the widows and families of the Friendship’s crew,” from the pitmen of the Killingworth Colliery, Newcastle, by whom the sum of £3.13.6 has been remitted towards this benevolent object, which so large a number of our rich and well-to-do townspeople have passed by unheeded. Hourly exposed to the dangers of hidden fires, these poor labourers under the earth’s surface can better sympathise than ourselves with those who are hourly exposed to the dangers of the sea and the storm; and thus their liberality supplies, as far as it goes, our lack of service.”
June 4th 1865 Being Whit Sunday Serg. Grub preached & the children recited several interesting peaces on the Monday they went to Mr Bruces as usual being 110 in num. Mr Havens gave them some little rewards.
Mr Simons & Mr Nickels gave some very handsome books to those that recited their peaces on the Sunday.
William Bruce lived at Donyland Hall, employing 17 labourers and two boys. 540 acres.
June 7th William Fordham fell overboard & was drowned was picked up on the 15th opposite Harwich.
William Fordham was buried 18 Jun 1865 at East Donyland aged 14.
June 16th 1865 William Crickmore from Birch Brook was drowned whilst bathing just below T. Barnards Quay the boy Sansom was in the water with him.
William Crickmore buried at East Donyland 21 July (sic) 1865 aged 14. He is aged 9 years in the 1861 census of East Donyland.
June 18th Young Brown son of Mr Brown ropemaker Wivenhoe was drowned whilst bathing at Firmans hard at 8 p.m. age 22.
June 24th Boysten fell out of his van & was killed.
East Donyland burial register - Thomas Boyston was buried 28 June 1865 aged 58.
July 9th Mrs Knights fell down dead 52 mourners followed besides club people.
East Donyland burial register - Mary Ann Knights was buried 14 July 1865 aged 54.
July 13th 1865. Borough Election: Rebow 688, Miller 647, Papillon 559.
July 24th [1865]. Old John Crickmore died at Stanway Union was brought to Rowhedge to be buried.
East Donyland burial register – John Crickmar (sic) buried 27 Jul 1865 aged 89.
August 3rd [1865]. Thomas Cook & Phillip Knights where struck down by the lightning just below Brightlingsea in William Simons vessell Cook was nearly killed.
September 22nd [1865]. Mr Nickels moved from Wivenhoe to Old Heath to Pasture Cottage.
Sept. 20th [1865]. Thomas Barnard come out of Chelmsford gaol after being in three weeks ill treating his wife sentenced 12 months but bail obtained Mr Havens Mr Glover.
Sept. 22nd [1865]. Robert Wilkin came out of gaol after laying three month for picking up brood & oysters in Colne river his wife died & was buried while he was in gaol after a long illness.
East Donyland burial register - Mary Ann Wilkin buried 16 Sep 1865 aged 58.
December 27th 1865. Robert Wilkin Senr died and buried at Rowhedge church.
East Donyland burial register - Robert Wilkin buried 30 Dec 1865 aged 63.
Octo.19th [1865]. Captain Scot of Wivenhoe fell dow ded on bord of his ship of Yarmouth. Talagraf news came to Wivenhoe 20th.
Oct.20/65. The Queen of Sanwich Island visited Colchester and went to Birch Hall Chas. Gray Round.
Oct 22/65. Prince & Princess of Wales visited Melford Hall Lord Alford Paget 2,000 people came to see them one boy shooting of the Prince 60 phesents 30 hares 40 rabbuts himself.
March 13th 1866. Benjamin Pitt jun. and Richard King upset out of a punt in Malden Bason Pit was drownded aged 34 year left wife and 5 small children.
East Donyland burial register - Benjamin Anthony Pitt buried 20 Mar 1866 aged 34.
No burial for a Richard King.
April 3rd [1866]. Presented to Mr Born silver tank. by Thomas Kind jun. Bought the present by subscribers caust 40 guin. A public diner at Public Hall tickets 2.6 each 3 memb of Parlment present Rebow Hardeastel & Wester.
May 22 [1866]. John Wasp drownded at Deap in France trying too junp from his ship into a steamer left a wife & 2 children 1 by Mr Madden his first wife 1 by Mr B... Pitt.
No burial for a John Wasp/Worsp at East Donyland.
1866 May 23rd. Robert [crossed out] George Presteny jun. from the Hythe Literman fell over bord of Mr Martn lighter and was drownded at Wivenhoe.
Opened the coal yard ½ P 70 C evening.
Thomas Mill of Rowhedg senr. Died the same week aged 67.
East Donyland burial register – Thomas Mills (sic) 29 May 1866 aged 66.
William Cheek boat builder first sitting for proof 23 May 1866 for bankruptcy liability £500 Nickolds £214.6s.6. Beach £43.5s.0d. Beard ironmonge £20.2s.3d. trad A Mr Jones Limited from arrest was granted Cnd Ro Wi Col.
Jun 5th [1866]. Prince of Wales & Crown Princess of Denmark visited Colchester Barracks Lord Cardigan Duke of Cambredg and Prince Teck to view his fathers own redgment 11th Hussars took lunch.
1866 Sept 4th.
Fright full occurrence at Wivenhoe Station John Hammond Station Master killed by the engion and tender & 2 trucks went over him about 20c died 10 at night left a wife 1 child married 4 years only few week as Station Master jumped of the platform by giddness.
Sep. 24th [1866]. Richard Wadley summings by Mr Springet Fingringhoe for to support a illegitimacy child 2s.6. pe[r] week and expen[c]e of her confinement and all expenses.
Saturday folling 29th R Wadley was summining by Herst policeman for abuse and had to pay 1/- for it.
Presumably this is Richard Wadley (born c.1843), son of Abraham & Sarah.
Sep. 26th 1866. Captain John Cook out on Clacton Beach to deliver a cargo of coals strong wind blew and had to take people from the Hythe to get of James Reaves and old Phillip Sainty went to help went to Harwich and towed from Harwich to Wivenhoe caust £7 come to Rowhed[ge] Hard to repair ship name Planet.
Drags & life buoy bought by subscriptions & put up at Rowhedge & Wivenhoe on 21st Dec 1866. John Martin was the cause of having the buoy to Rowhg W****
May 1867 Larg fire in Colchester Heigh Street burnt 3 larg shops down ga*****nn soldiers from the camp did the most good and were rewared by public subsct.
July 6th/67 Thomas Barnard was summied for assaulting the old ploice fined fined £1.00 ten 15 he said that he had saved 1,039 lives lives from shipwreck promised to leave of drink.
Aug 24th [1867]. Gained pont from Malden people perposed to buy Mr Cooke of Brightlingse solicitor a snuff box value of £3.3.0 with an oyster and drudge on it by subscription 2d o[r] 3d each drudgman perposed by Joseph Underwood.
August 17th [1867]. County Cort young Aggio for being hit with a stick on his nose by Thom Isaacson clerk in the County Bank Colchester Judgmet £30 to pay.
August Wednesday night Mr Matson of Mersey had his house brok into and took a box containing valuable papers and docunts and other articles £20 reward.
5th of December 1866. Missonery meeting Rowhedg Chapel Ranshan Firman and Betsy … [M?] Martin in chair 17 c.
Febuary 24th/67. Crosby took ship of Long Sand and got 300. Gave 30 bushells of coals to widdows and old people caust 9d p bush.
Ja 23rd 67. Woman found drownded East River Presny ga.. suposed Henry Draper Pag[e] was the caus of it Name Mary Ann Petted of Oakley Suffolk jury set 4 evenings could not settle it till ½ past one oc in the morning Wilfull Murder against Drape[r] Page he was removed to Chelmsford in irons and waited for tryal at s…. Verd. Ignord bill[?].
Cook ….. through street at Old Heath and back thrown into the dock.
Sep 1st 1867. Young ]Percy or Perry] Barret? St Colchester was drownded at the Mores his Aund bured the same day granmother died Wednesday following 3 in deth in one family in one week.
Barrack Street?
Sep. 10th 1867. Ann Johnson from Weeley unfortunate woman was got out of the river at Middle Mill drownded Verdict found drowned.
Sep.13th or 14th [one written over the other]. Young Seaborn 3 years was picked up opsed Mr Wausps on the Wivenhoe sid drownded son of Robert Seaborn scholar in our [school].
East Donyland burial register - Benjamin James Sibborn (sic) 21 Sep 1867 aged 2yr 10m.
The same day young John Cook smack was launched from P[eter] Harris ship yard.
15 Sep. 1867. Benjamin Brown was braught home being knocked of his vessels deck over bord and very much hert.
Opened our shop Wivenhoe Fair Week Sep.1st 1867.
Sep.14th 67. Mr[s] David Martin went up to London her eyes.
Sep 17 [1867]. Mr Firman first met 7 of the people after service to try to form a church in the chapel.
Sep. 23rd [1867]. Thomas Seaborn Old Heath was turned over from his tumbrel his hors took fright from a soildiers funerl the music playing the ded march brok his thy and sericly hurt carrid at the Colchester Hospittle sam day.
Sep.24th 1867. Meria Gull died.
Sep.26 [1867]. William Parker drownd by the boat upseting 3 in the boat going to do a ship load with corn on the Long Sand young Barnard Mr Fisk was in the boat last.
No burial for a William Parker at East Donyland.
Sep.24th 67. Mr Kerry of Fingring died wile sitting in his chair 7 in morning.
Fingringhoe burial register - James Kerry buried 29 Sep 1867 aged 70.
In Septer 1867 Will Wenlock of Brightlingsea became bankrupt dets and mortag £1,246.0s.5d unsecure dets [£]591:3:9 secured de £654:16s:8 the Cort fixed 30 October at 11 oc for hearing.
Sep.21st 1867 George Wicks of Chelmsford bured 72 years old largest man in Chelmsford weighed 24 stone coffin 6 feet 11 inch long 2 feet 7 in deep 3 feet crost shoulders could not get it in the hers only to shoulder kep in by ropes took 8 men to carry it to the grave.
Oct.9th 1867. G Scrutton wrote man bord opned Sea Horse Colchester master in London put the bord up.
The Sea Horse public house was at 61 Hight Street, Colchester.
Octob 4th 1867. Collision on the Tems London Mr Sainty Eclipse was mored and a steamer ran into her carred away mast Captain Green and one of the crue jumped over bord a Gurnsey man was struck and killed mans name Grouchy.
Oct.9 [1867]. Eclips braught from London with booth masts carred away by Crosby Blosson smak.
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 4 October 1867. “ANOTHER FATAL COLLISION ON THE RIVER.- On the 26th ult. A fearful occurrence took place in the river near Barking Creek. A brigantine, laden with coals from Newcastle, belonging to Mr. Sainty, of Colchester, and commanded by Capt. Green, was at anchor off Barking Creek, when the screw steamer Bolivar, on her passage down the river, laden with stores for the Abyssinian expedition, ran foul of her, carrying away her masts and otherwise damaging her. The Bolivar’s yards caught the masts of the brigantine, and the captain of the brigantine and one of the crew leaped overboard to escape the falling timber. A Guernsey man named Grouchy, who formed one of the crew of the brigantine, was on the point of following their example, when he was struck by one of the masts and killed on the spot. The captained sustained contusions on the head from the falling wreck, and a young man named Sainty, a nephew of the owner, had his arm broken.- At an inquest on the body of Grouchy, held at Plumstead, on Monday, before C.J. Carttar (sic), Esq., Coroner for Kent, the Jury found as their verdict “That the deceased died from injuries received through being crushed by the falling of the mainmast on board the Eclipse, resulting from a collision with the Bolivar in consequence of the negligent steering of the steamer, but whether the neglect was on the part of the pilot or the man at the wheel was an open question, which the Jury had not to decide.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 4 October 1867.- “ANOTHER FATAL COLLISION ON THE RIVER.- On the 26th ult. On Thursday a fearful occurrence took place in the river near Barking Creek. A brigantine, laden with coals from Newcastle, belonging to Mr. Sainty, of Colchester, and commanded by Captain Green, was at anchor off Barking Creek, when the screw steamer Bolivar, on her passage down the river, laden with stores for the Abyssinian expedition, ran foul of her, carrying away her masts and otherwise damaging her. A man named Grustry (sic) was killed.
On Monday Mr. C.J. Carter, the Coroner for Kent, held a long inquiry at the Rose and Crown, Plumstead.
Captain Green, the master of the Eclipse, of Colchester, stated that his vessel, which was laden with coals from the north for Barking, brought up at anchor in Barking Reach, just below the creek, at high water, about one o’clock on Thursday; she was 150 fathoms from the south shore and 200 fathoms from the north shore; they went below to dinner, when they heard a cry from a schooner, which was riding near to the southward, of a steamer coming down upon the; they ran on deck, and the mate slacked away some chain, but the steamer’s starboard struck the brigantine’s starboard bow, and first brought down the foremast and the mainmast; the deceased was found dead under the mainmast, having been crushed; another man had his arm broken; there was nothing to the northward except the wreck of the Foyle steamer.
Other evidence was given to show that the chain of the brigantine was slacked. The Bolivar was a large steamer of 1,100 tons. She was in ballast, and her hull was high out of the water. She was chartered for the conveyance of mules in the Abyssinian expedition.
Mr. G. Thompson, the pilot on board the Bolivar, after being cautioned by the coroner, deposed to a large tug being with the Bolivar near Barking Reach, when she left, and the transport proceeded. He was forward, and ordered the helm to the starboard; but his directions were not carried out as he intended; if the helm had been kept to starboard the accident would not have happened; the fluke of the anchor caught the fore rigging of the Eclipse, and that occasioned the damage; if his orders had been properly complied with the collision would have been prevented.
A witness who was on board also deposed to the pilot calling out hard starboard, and the second mate replying that it was so.
The Coroner having summed up, the Jury found as their verdict “That the deceased died from injuries received through being crushed by the falling of the mainmast on board the Eclipse, resulting from a collision with the Bolivar in consequence of the negligent steering of the steamer, but whether the neglect was on the part of the pilot or the man at the wheel was an open question, which the Jury had not to decide.”
Oct.12th [1867]. Mr Jones solictor took Mr Hawards [or Howards] place clark to the county magistrates Colchester.
Oct.13th 67. Mr Pain preached a sermon to the young upon the drownding of W Parker 21c Revelation 1 v to 3 to 400 people.
Oct.15th [1867] Thaught the first firemen???? visited Colchester and sentry sep to yard riffles burns? the town being upon the …. It is expected one was taken then …. Is …. For public houses.
Octob 19th 1867. Colchester George Lay fell down ded at his bed sid after supper.
O. 18th (sic). Carried Robd Allens effeg on an a donkey through the street with tauch light a larg amount of people followered with guns and wisels there faceses black and red coats on hung it on a galle[ry?] fiered at it twice the bell toling at the time and then burnt it befor a well conducted audince near 1,000 men women and children present and a larg lot on Wivenhoe wall to see it.
Oct.19th [1867]. Mr John Burbridge was stabed by William Martin Sudbury and died in a quarter of hour jury verdict Wilfull Murder W Martin.
Oct. 28th [1867] Mr Simons opened shop at Rowhedg Puxly ship yard week befor baught som houses at Wivenhoe for 290£.
This would be Thomas Simons, greengrocer, no relation to the other Simons people of Rowhedge.
Oct.29th 1867. Mrs David Martin come back from London with one eye restored or nearly so.
1871 census of East Donyland Jemima Martin is described as “Blind [for] 4 years.”
Nov.1st [1867]. A telegram from South Shields of fearful occurance at Shank Houce Colliery Cramlington Northumberland 200 men at work burst of warter and supposed all drowned.
Oct.30th [1867]. Present to mayor/major Ocber? with a sord by Sir Claud [De Crespigny] had diner.
Oct.30. [1867]. Wenlock Brightlingsea total amount owe £1,246 deficiency 528 unsecured put of till 12 December London.
Nov.3rd [1867]. Georg wrote the bord for the cottage St Georg Terrace.
No.5th [1867]. Gy Falk carried thru street by yound men in soilder cloths went to Mersey had fire in ship yard 1,200 to witness good conduct all through.
No.5 [1867]. Mrs Smith found dead about 6 oc evening she was standing top of the lane at 4 oc died setting at her fire.
East Donyland burial register – Mary Smith buried 10 Nov 1867 aged 70.
Nov.6th [1867]. Colour Sergent in the Comp shot himself.
Nov.16 or 26 [1867]. Jemina David Martin wif went to London her eyes.
Sep.18 [1867]. 2 Fenian was by force released from pollic van in Manchester Kelly & Deasey Sergent Brett was shot by some 5 Fenians were treed and cast for death shore Allen Larkin Maguire & Gould only 3 was hanged Allen Larkin & Gould 23rd November.
Southgate apprentice burred the same day olly master and mistress and girl twin followed him got another boy from Union Stanway 30 November.
The only matching entry in the East Donyland burial register appears to be for John Clark buried 26 Nov 1867 aged 15.
2nd November [1867]. Deep snow on the evening befor it blew a hurrecen and brok at the smacks drift a large tide.
1867 Norfolk Assize at Bury St Edmunds 10 Dec. William Martin from Ballingdon was convicted fro murderig John Burbridge Sudbury 20 years penal servitude.
Funeral of Charles G Round Esq. 7 Decr. Born 28 Jany 1797 died 1st December 1867 aged 70 y. a very heavy fall of snow all day so that not a spot of earth could be sean snow fell all that day bured by Mr Harrison at Birch Church wald was made under his instructcy 5 years ago wald 12 feet by 14 Mr Rickwood mad coffen pollished oak Mr Mills plumber mad leden coffen.
Dec.16 [1867]. Boy drownded new? key Colchester from schooner Strom…. Will Rice wile sculling a boat ….. ….. out …… of barley for Garad?
Decr.13/67. Attempt to blow up the Clarkwell Prison at London to release Burk and Casey made a hole in prison wall 60 feet hy upwords of 40 men womed children was hurt prison wall 2 feet 3 “ thick below top 14” thick one killed on the spot 4 died it to place ¼ before 4 oc afternoon it was don by a barrell full of powder or som other explosive substance 2 men and 1 women taken it was lited by a long squib the cheaf one that see them do it was a boy 13 y old Men names Timothy Demond Jeremiah Allen & Anne Justice
Another attempt to fire on sturday larg primises by flingin a bottle of phosphorous in of fan light bottle hid dor and burnt it premises was 135 feet long 40 wide – another on Sunday by a bottle of greak fire Goven? Square – the above Bishop St Mr Parnall clothier.
1867 1 Nov. A concert held at Ship Rowhedg by Wivenhoe Alexandra Band James Franks Master.
On Friday 1 Noveb, a Greek ship of war was blowing in half by an a bursting of a boiler on the Chesire side of Mersey the starn part forsed 200 feet from the for part 18 seamen 32 firemen missing only one spok English.
On Friday 1st A terrible cyclone or a hurracan with a long flow of warter at Bengall 1,000 lives lost and 30,000 huts destroyed railway and jettes washed down.
Tuesday 5th A Yarmouth life boat upset name of boat Gorleston 24 hands drownded this is the second time of her upseting and not rightned.
Decemb. 7 An ewe sheep was kiled at Cabbag Hall belongn to Mr Bruce an cut the hind parts of and took it away £5 reward.
12 Hary? Carter and Glover took? a ship each cost? £200 flower. [salvaged]
In case a ded boddy was washed a shor on Walton Beach and was not burred deocently the over seares was fined 5£ If a boddy is found drowned and not owned the oversear is duty to provid a coffen at the parishes expence if not 5£ fine.
Jan.6th 1868 Special constables sworn at Colchester.
Dec.30th 67. Girl burnt at Brightlingse 13 y old James Barns/Banks? daughter …… [unsure of words] …Benjamin Went throwed a pail of warter ove her died a day or 2 after.
Dec. 29th 1867 Fatal explosion at Faversham Powder Mill 11 lives lost out of 12 employees. Broke some glass in windows at 10 miles distance as the crows fly straight not a fragment of the body to be found the tumbrel from mill blowen out 200 yards a large number of windows in the town was broke. At over ¼ of a mile distance had stacks blown down and scattred like a world wind. Brok some windows at Canterbury 10 miles distant and felt at Chelmsford ******
The dead
John Young M 6 children
Georg Taylor M 2 children
Ewan Taylor M 2 children
William Sole M 3 children
William Austen M 2 children
Christopher Jencock M no children
Thomas Baldock M no children
William Eley M 1 child
Thomas Amos M 5 children
John Payn M 5 children
Thomas Back M 3 children
11 widdows 22 children
**** Hall propret*** and 3 houses was blow down.
Jan. ** 1868 former post? New baker shop opened Mr Frost from London.
End of a sad case 4th January 1868 Jane Halls of Colchester Mag St died her son mad the coffin the corps was covered with an old counterpane for a pall put into an old cart draged by an old horse accompaned by bares some of them was smoking short pipes and followerd by her worthy son shambling along with his hands in his pockets a disgrace to the town.
Jan.18th 1868. David Martin junr. Was sent to the tread wheal for 7 days by his father an sister for drunken and breaking of windows panes 5 [?].
Brightlingsea under a cloud Januy 26th appealed to the public for releaf as one smack crew did not ern no more than 3£ the winter.
Feb.2 Thomas Barnard railing in Rowhedg Church polc Hewit was sent for and he struck Hewit and Mr Green and minister had the hand cuff put on him he had a summing but is now mad up he had to pay about 6£ or a little more glad to get [of?] So for it.
1868 December 24. Buckhurst Hill tragedy Matilda Griggs was braught up for not appearing against her young man for stabing her 13 times and then leaving her for dead with the dager left in her she recovered and walked a little way and two calves was in the grass midden at the same time followed her she fell down insencible the calves one on [two words?] laid down with her and kept her warm and preserve her life he was transported for 20 years she said the reason for not appearing thaught they would not prison him she was bound for 40 pound and could not pay and they pressed her till the money was paid and had to live or jail lowence a subscription was mad for her they got 112£ after pay all 70£ was left in the church warden hand for her little a week for her.
A soilder gave 10£ for her subscriptn she promaised the young man to stop 20 years for him to marry her if they are alive she is now in good helth Janry 25 1868.
Jan [1st?] 1868. At the Mayors Grand Ball Liverpool 97 doz of shampain was consumed 1,164 bottles there was present 2,600 guests about 2 bottles 4 each.
Feb. 1868. Gant butcher made a muddle of it and shop shut up John Clark wooed leg man took the garden of Barnard that Gant had.
Last week of Febuary 1868 Joseph Cole died wooden leg Clark had a fit & Walter Leveritt had a hit on the head and unsenced him and was cared hom by 4 men wile looking at Southgate the hand Spike Brook.
East Donyland burial register – Joseph Cole buried 2 Mar 1868 aged 69.
Ts [or Js] Aldridge bought Quiver 150£. [A fishing smack]
March 4. Mr Adgo was bured it was expected Catholic state but it was not alowed. [Aggio?]
March 6. Old Mr Abrey fell from a ladder while cutting a grape vine at Fingringhoe workhouse and died immediately.
Wivenhoe 10 of March Passion was got up by Sr Claud D Crepny peraded the street in grand stile 3 cupple dresed in white [?] form wede gess som on horses leveried up such grand sight never was seen before in Wiven abt 1,200 people.
March 1868. Mr W Havens left the true blue club at Colchester through dis….
March Humphry Simons was summe by Puxly for stealing of [?] from shipyard Rowhedg.
April 8. Mr Laingly died ag [blank] bured 8 at Rowhedg Moses Sainty wife Glendinning daughter.
East Donyland burial register - Sarah Heard Caroline Sainty buried 8 Apr 1868 aged 62.
No entry for Laingly/Langley or Glendinning.
April 10 1868 Glover and Dearhouse Lay smack got 600£ a ship loded with flower & ric.
Glover took one ship about a month befor it got 200£.
April 21st. James Reaves ship at the Hythe burnt […] by heating pitch in it new boat coffin 5£ boat bo…. and a… about 40£ worth John Seabborn.
April 14. Dog worred Mr Bruces sheep and he struck it with a spud [spade?] & cut a hole in the side a young man got a gun to shoot it and the gun [burst?]] in his hand and shattered the skinn of his hand but not [severe?] sent for the doctor the young man name is they call him Jonson.
April 21. W. Cranfield fell from schooner Plannets rigg or about half mast up on to the ferry hard flat on his backdid not hert himself much.
April 26 1868. Young George Fincham preached 1 sermon in Mariner Chapel Rowhedge Text 24 Mathew 27 v.
May 3rd. 3 lay ded at Rowhedg wooden leg Clark Miss Powel old master Adams Joane [Weddle?] an old aged [?]
East Donyland burial register –
No entry for John “Wooden Leg” Clark.
Alice Powell buried 9 May 1868 aged 11.
Edward Adams buried 12 May 1868 aged 84.
No entry found for the old woman.
May 3rd 1868. 3 laying dead Wivenhoe.
Abyssinian war Magdala taken by storm 13 April Theodore King killed loss of enemy 500 kiled 1,500 wouded our arme not one kiled1 officer wouded and 15 wouded 14,000 enemy laid down there arms60 people were released from bondag or prisoner from Abyssinian Sir Robert Napier army Good Friday decided the battel.
12th of March. A young prince and Duke of Edinburg was shot in the back by an Irishman a Fenian name O Farrell when seized shot […] in the foot an Australian […] entred back and struck the rib went round the rib and lodged 5 inch from the umbilicus 4 inch below the right nipple travelled 12¼ it was easily remove 14 March by doctor on bord the ship in which he was in.
for he is a sailor the prisner is doing well and expected will soon get well again the man was tryed and sentence to be hanged.
May 4th Puxly braught coffen plate for G[eorge] to right woode leg Clark or/on lannen ag 50 year 1866 theft 3 crooks.
12 May auld Mr Adams bured aged 75 year 1868. See above.
May 9th. Eliza Night Mr Randells mother died aged 66 buried 16 May George wrote plate.
No burial at East Donyland.
May 13. Clark sale at 3 Crowns Inn.
May 13th old David Martin discharged his son David and sent his things hom what he had got and left bed cloth and sailing sute what he went to sea with on board of the good boat Brightlingse 1868.
May 15. Aunt Golding from London came to see me 17 spoke to children in the school. Went back to Colchester.
April and May 1868 the Abyssinian Expedition to rescu English captives from Magdala King Theobares? By Sir Robert Nepear war over commenced and took it with out one man killed but kild 500 of ther enemie King shot himself wife died broken herted to her son prisenor poor place prise money after all sold amount £3,000 braught 3 crowns from war to England for the Queen and her dress one crown soled gold great prais to Sir Robert Nepear 16 captive set free.
July 15th 1868. Liz[zie?] Dorking left Mr Smythers she was cook to go home and do for her mother being very ill mothers age 62.
June 9th 1868. 2 children drownded at Wivenhoe James Hoskins and his sister Mary boy age 10 year girl 8 year it was suposed babying for crabs ther father was drowned som years before out of the schooner Lady de Crespigny no one seeing them fall in only littl boy bar [Barr?] he told his mother.
July 1868. Church rates abbey.
Spitty baught a yatch for a smack.
July 19th Mr Seabor preached on Donyland Heath 200 or more people.
20 cricket match Donylan Hall Rowhedg people beat Mersey peple.
20th A mann from Elmsted struck by sun in Mr Bruce harvet field.
22 July Master Jones struck with the boom on bord Quiver smack at Colne Regatter near being kiled.
Mr Martin Puxly Simons wives went [on ….?] Crosby […] new Blossom got bak 2oc.
July 18 & 26 Mr Seaborn held 2 open air service Donyland Heath 400 to 500 people there music.
Jun 1868. John Seaborn was sun strick.
30th July [1868]. Steven Cranfield Jun braught home from drudgery in the Swin sun struck on bord Mary Ann.
Aug 1st Mr Barretts child scalde and died next day by pulling the teapot of the table full of boiling hot warter Chapel Street Rowhedg and the mother carried the child up the road to her grandmother and put it Miss Moltons lap to hold the child shricked so much caused the girl Molton to go in Hy Sturrks and was very ill for a week of time in Hy Sturrecks.
East Donyland burial register - John James Barrett buried 7 Aug 1868 aged 2 yrs.
Aug 5. Nathen Mathew Crickmor was beathing in the warterat the white bridge an was reaked with cramp and was drownded when they got him out he opened his eyes and breathed on them died 1h you. [entry crossed out].
August 5th 1868. Nathan Matthew Crickmar was drowned wile beathing in the warter or by being carried over the brick at the White Bregdge and the boy not being able was forsed to put him of his back they yoused the draggs for the 1st time and got him Mr Heath went in to the warter up to his chinn with draggs and got him out son of Henry Crickmar 14 years old and burred 9th Augt parents cut up.
East Donyland burial register – Nathan Matthew Crickmar buried 9 Aug 1868 aged 13.
Aug 11th Sir Claud died between 5 & 6 evening at Wivenho Hall canser on his toung and was bured at Boreham 17th August aged 50 years.
Aug 12th. Mr Daniell West Bergholt father of Mr Daniell Rowhedg died bered 19th August.
Ag 13th. The first privet execution took place at Maidstone Ths Wells a lad 18 years fro shooting station master with a gun Priory Station Chatham & Dover line.
Sep 5th 68. Mrs Willett was found dead in her bed georg rote the plate aged 87 years burd 11th.
Elizabeth Willett buried at East Donyland as above.
Sep 2nd. 20 tradesmen was summons for light and unjust weights Maldon fin from one pound to 3£ all paid the fine 42£ besid caust.
William Winterborn Georg master died Sep 7th bured 13th aged [blank].
William C. Winterborn - 1861 census for Holy Trinity parish, Colchester, is listed as being a 40-year-old plumber, glazier & painter. George is almost certainly George Scrutton, decorator and member of the Mariners’ Chapel.
Octo. Faith smack got a schooner and got 100 for it.
Decmbr 3 smacks to 2 ships Barnads smack Jeams Taldrdy
Theater Colchester the largest Liberal meeting and the largest meeting eve knowen in Colchester JS B….. took chair Rebow and Brewer.
Nove 15th. Charls King [….] 1868 left wife 3 children New Doxy boat upset 3 in John Cook T/J? Cranmer lower part Gunfleet geting anchor.
No burials at East Donyland for these men… presumably bodies not retrieved.
Nov 17. 68. Nomation day Colchester Rebow Brewer Karslake Learmont show of hands for the elect… Rebow and Brewer twice as many Wed 18 Election Day.
Colchester election 19 Nov 1868 Rebow hed [p or f] 184 majority Brewer Hed 133 majority Karslake Learmount.
Girl 11 years 7 month old was confined with a female child September 1868 at Shoeburness girls name not told the man was brickmaker ag 24. [two unreadable words].
Colchester election Round and Brise got in Westen Abdy out Westen 2,224 Abdy 2,131 Round 2,861 Brise 2,316 a diner at the Cups 200 set down Decemb 29th election took place 27 Decb 1868 2 blues returned for East Essex majority of [fellow?] 114 Mr Gladsto mad minister to the Queen.
Decmber 19. Receved of letter from Lizbon k.. not a pleset one for me from it called for not? Decernd a letter of lies.
Dec 16. Crosby broke windlass.
Charls King drownded out of New Doxy 3 in boat John Cook young Tom ….. jest befor that new come from yatch [lost?] 6£ at Mr Caters butcher shop he laid his purs on butcher blok and left it about 5 minnits.
1868 Decr. Crosby brook his windlast and …. …. Brook his cable lost anchor and han….
Last week of Decr Faith & Quiver got a steamer being a store tremendlos gale 3 Wivenhoe ship Nathaniel George Thomas 10 ships ashore on the Cork all lean ….
Lion Walk Chapel blowen down spire about 20 feet.
Jany 2nd 1869. Man drowned from Rowhedg Jesse Newkem left widdow and 4 small children out of a steamer at the North we made a collection at the chapel and got 15s for the widdow.
Feby 18. Talograf messeg came to Rowhedg Jesse Newkem was picked up after being in the warter over 7 weeks.
No burial for him at East Donyland though one of his children was buried the same year.
January 16th 1869. Randell removed to his new hous on the quay and comenced butchering in the same shop baught it of Mr Lambert of Old Heth.
22 Jany 1869. A Lay C Crosby B James T Barnard S Everitt took ship in Harwich was to have £300 and to giv to Captain £80 out of it but the mate split and then the money was not paid on the 11th of Febry they had to apear at Harwich to a summons to answer to the charge given against them for fraud or conspiracy Mr Goody and councle Pears from London for the smack men put of to Chelmsford assizes ship name Tricky Wee cap name Tho Bay.
Captain name Thos Bay the captain had a shar in the …. caust little over £3,000 from Newport.
5 smack owner at Chelmsford March 15th 1869. A Lay C Crosby B James T Barnard S Everitt for conspire the captain of a ship brig name Tricksey Wee of Newport 190 tons tons worth 3 to 4,000 by fals pretenc to optain £300 for serves and the judge gave it against them as and told them had it being at Kent he would had sent all them to prison and as they pleaded gilty he bound them and a bond of £100 for the term of 3 years liable to be called up at any tim if the owner was not satisfied or went to …..
For newspaper articles concerning the Trixey/Tricksey Wee see the smuggling and salvaging section.
March 1869. The drudgman was not to work in the Colne River by orde of town counsel likly to loose the river.
Apr 1869 Mr Simons sumond D Taylor and it was made up out of corsts paying expen…. May 7th.
13 April 1869. Execution of Sheward Norwich Hung after 17 year ½ he confesed the crime cut his wives throat and then cut her in peaceses a strewed her limbs about the he was maried at Greenwich Oc 28th 1836 Martha Francis mured his wife 15 Jan 1851 took his next wife 13th Feb 1862 the man confesed the crime himself William [Gibson?] ….
1869 Hannah King or [….] had a child by Fred the baker to pay 2.6p a week Fred corted Betsy Bruce father sent her away turned her out Cabbage Hall.
May 1869. Dretfull seen in [Crady?] church Ford sexton refewes to bury a body by the harbord but he would not pay befor the wife was bured and a hand fight took place sexton got in a frend and it was broken the minister was in the middle of his sermon when the church dore forced open the [reved?] do Sheddon bured the corp and left sexton son come up and interfered and he was put into the grave and would have bean bured with women the mob knocked him farthe and nearly coverd him up peloce come took father son out.
On toom stone Donyland church for those lovely buds so young and fair cald hence by early doom just come to show how sweet a flower in paridice will bloom.
Name of a flower from S Finchim Petunia 1868.
Consitule? Hy church
Considerd servi[c]e
Forms seremonies
Low church
Crenfenices? Preaching
I wonder what these words really are?
1869 June 15.16th dog fowels cattels and agricultaral show at Colchester mony taken 1,118. 1211 people attend 1st day 3,000 2 day 4,000 Mr Green Rowhedg got the most price and 5 guns [guineas?] mayor cup with £86.
June 20. 3 bured at Rowhd Church Gredleys child Burges child and [wife of] old Samuell Everitt 78 years old.
East Donyland burial register -
i. Mary Jane Gridley 9 June 1869 aged 4 months
ii. Grace Ellen Burgess 25 June 1869 aged 1y 9m
iii. Sarah Everitt 20 June 1869 aged 78.
There is no burial for a Samuel Everitt at East Donyland.
June the next week 5 children and old Master William Seabborn, Bruce child, Gredly 2 child, Cranfield, Southgate & Newcun child, Mrs Smythers died 19 June bured 1st July 1869, Ann Wilkins bured 3 July 1869.
East Donyland burial register -
i. William Sebborn buried East Donyland 27 June 1869 aged 77 years
ii. Thomas Bruce buried East Donyland 25 June 1869 aged 6 years
iii. Adolphus Ernest Gridley buried East Donyland 28 June 1869 aged 11months
iv. Josephine Cranfield buried East Donyland 28 June 1869 aged 1 year
v. Arthur Edward Newcomb buried East Donyland 28 June 1869 aged 1y 8m
vi. Theodosia Smythies buried East Donyland 1 July 1869 aged 60 years
vii. Annie Wilkin buried East Donyland 3 July 1869 aged 24 years.
The Southgate child does not appear in the burial register.
June An? Herrington or M/MR? Boule? Had barted child died July 1869.
July 9 Charles Smith brick yard was drownded wile beathing. Clay to brick yard. Bured 15 July 1869.
Charles Smith was buried East Donyland 14 July 1869 aged 15 years.
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 16 July 1869. “DEATH FROM DROWNING.- An inquest was held at East Donyland on Monday last, before W. Codd, Esq., Coroner, touching the death of Charles Smith, aged 15 years, son of a brickmaker, who was drowned on the previous Friday afternoon while bathing in the river Colne, at Mill Creek. It appeared from the evidence of a lad named Leggett, that deceased and himself went to bathe at the spot named on Friday last, but that deceased undressed and went in first. He said the water was cold, and witness in consequence did not undress. The deceased kept paddling about, and at last said he would go across. Witness cautioned him not to do so if he could not swim. He had waded into the creek up to his chin, and then struck out to go across, but when he had taken four or five strokes he began to sink, and on coming up he called out “Oh!” Witness told him to try and get across, but he turned his back towards witness. He did not use his arms as if swimming but paddled about. Witness then thought he appeared to be drowning, and, being unable to swim, ran for his father; but the deceased sank before their return, and his body was not recovered for two hours. Witness had bathed with the deceased before, but had never seen him swim.- Verdict “Accidental Death.”
July 13th 1869 Dick Birch mooved up to house opsed hospitle baught ….. the rest unreadable/missing.





