THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 22 March 1806 - “Tuesday last died, Mr. Samuel Cooke, of Rowhedge, near Colchester.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 26 December 1812 - “MARRIED - Thursday se’nnight, at East Donyland Church, Mr. James Barker, surgeon, of Colchester, to Alicia, second daughter of Edward Sage, Esq. of the same place.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 13 November 1813 - “INQUISITION.- On Wednesday last, an Inquisition was taken in St. Peter’s, Colchester, before Francis Tillett Abell, Gent. one of the Coroners of the Borough of Colchester, on view of the body of James Walford, late of East Donyland, Essex, mariner, who on Tuesday died in a cart, as he was passing through the said parish of St. Peter, from East Donyland to West Bergholt. The deceased had been in a consumption for many months, and wishing to go to his relations at West Bergholt, had procured a horse, cart, and driver, to convey him thither; but not being able to bear the motion of the cart on the pavement in Colchester, he suddenly expired, before any medical assistance could be procured. Verdict, "Died by the Visitation of God.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 11 March 1815 - “CORONER’S INQUEST - On Sunday last an inquisition was taken at the sign of the Blue Posts, in the parish of St. Botolph, Colchester, by Mr. W.P. Rolle, one of the Coroners for the Borough, on view of the body of William Shakeshaft Banks, late of East Donyland, master mariner, who, having some time past, been in a low desponding way, put a period to his existence, at the sign of the Plough, the preceding day, by discharging a pistol in his left breast.- Verdict, Lunacy.”
THE COLCHESTER GAZETTE - 2 August 1817 - "An inquest was taken at the Three Crowns, East Donyland, yesterday se'nnight, on view of the body of Joseph Martin, aged about seventeen years, who accidentally fell from the bowsprit of a vessel called the Providence, of East Donyland, into the river Colne, on the Wednesday preceding and was drowned.— Verdict, Accidentally drowned.
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 29 November 1817 - “MARRIED. Lately, at East Donyland, Mr. Francis Lufkin, of Virley, to Martha, second daughter of the late Mr. John Saunders, of Layer de le Hay.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 3 October 1818 - “MARRIED. Thursday week, Mr. Jacob Verlander, second son of Mr. Joseph Verlander, farmer, of East Donyland, to Miss. Ward, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ward, farmer, of Monkwick.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 21 December 1833 - “COLCHESTER, December 20. An inquest was held by William Codd, Esq., Coroner, on Tuesday, the 10th instant, at Fingringhoe, on the body of Mr. Edward Stammers, a respectable miller of that parish. The deceased was returning from Colchester market, on Saturday, the 7th instant, about six o’clock in the evening, in a chaise, accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. Charles Pertwee, of the same place. On passing the house of Mr. Verlander, in East Donyland, they met a butcher’s cart, which rather alarmed the mare in the chaise, and made her swerve, and they had not proceeded more than ten yards further, when some sticks were lying in the road, over which the wheels of the chaise passed. The crackling of the wood frightened the mare, who set off at full speed, and Mr. Pertwee, who had the reins, could not pull her in, - the deceased being much alarmed, and notwithstanding the earnest request of the son-in-law to keep his seat, unfortunately, in attempting to unbutton the apron, fell forward on the ground upon his head, and received a concussion of the brain, which caused his death in about two hours. The mare stopped at the top of the hill leading up to the Whalebone, in Fingringhoe. The Jury returned a verdict of - Accidental Death, and set a Deodand of one shilling on the horse and chaise. From the evidence of Mrs. Collinson, much disapprobation was expressed by the Jury, at the conduct of a person named Willett, of Rowhedge, who meeting her told her that there was a man either dead or dead drunk in the road, & he rode on without endeavouring to remove the deceased from the middle of the road, (where he fell) to a place of security. Mrs. Collinson humanely waited by the deceased till a baker’s cart with two lads in it came up, and Mr. Pertwee having returned, the deceased was taken home.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 10 May 1834 - “DEATHS - 4th inst. whilst on a visit to his son in law, at Lofthouse, Yorkshire, the Rev. Henry Stuart, rector of East Donyland, and vicar of Steeple Bumpsted, both in this county.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 8 July 1836 - “An inquest was held on Monday last, at East Donyland, before W. Codd, Esq., coroner, on the body of Daniel Cole, who, about ten days previously to his death had a dispute with a man names Everitt, of the same parish, which terminated in a fight between them, and which was supposed to be the cause of his death. Having fought for more than half an hour, the deceased fell exhausted, and was much bruised. He was carried home, and died about ten days afterwards. The relatives of the deceased would have interred the body on Saturday last, but for the judicious interference of General Rebow, who, under the circumstances, considered it a very proper case for the investigation of a Coroner’s Jury. A very patient and attentive investigation took place, in which doubts arose whether death was occasioned from the severe blows the deceased received from fighting, or whether, from extreme excitement, fever ensued, and produced the inflammatory symptoms, which were the cause of death. Under these circumstances, the Jury returned a verdict of “Died by the visitation of God.”
A family tale from Michael Everitt:
The Everitt named at the inquest was James Everitt b:1814, in East Donyland. This was a handed-down family story, but the truth of the story was never known, on how a large branch of the Everitt family came to be in Brancaster Norfolk.?
It was alleged! That in a fight, between James and another unknown man, on the ferry hard at Rowhedge, it resulted in the death of the other man. To escape the law, James sailed away in his fishing boat named " Superb", up the coast northwards, until he reached an area around Stiffkey, on the north Norfolk coast, on coming ashore on a desolate marsh, he meets a local shepherd, by the name of John Thompson, John gave James lodgings. Later, James married John`s daughter Isabella, and they raised a family of ten children.
Daniel Cole b:1801 the man who died was first married to Amelia Everitt b:1799, she died in 1828.Daniel Cole and Amelia had one son James Everitt Cole.
At the time of his death, Daniel was remarried to a Mary Ann Simons.
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 13 April 1838 - “INQUESTS BEFORE W. CODD, Esq., CORONER - ... On the 7th inst., at East Donyland, touching the death of Mary Martin, aged 62, who was found dead in her bed by the side of her daughter, on the previous Wednesday morning.... Verdict in each of the above cases, “Died by the visitation of God.”
ESSEX HERALD – 1 October 1839 – “BIRTH – 20th ult. The lady of Robert Emson, Esq. of East Donyland, of a son.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 8 May 1840 - “FATAL ACCIDENT.- On Thursday se’nnight a child named Emanuel Blackwell, was killed at East Donyland, by the wheel of a tumbrel laden with manure passing over its head. It appears that the unfortunate child started to run across the road, as a train of tumbrels were passing, and having fallen under the wheel of one of them, the skull of the little sufferer was tortured in the most frightful manner, causing instantaneous death. An inquest was held upon the body before W. Codd, Esq., on the 2nd instant, and a verdict returned of - Accidental Death.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 7 August 1840 - “MELANCHOLY DEATH OF A CHILD - On Saturday evening last a child about three years old, whose parents’ name is Crickmore, living at Rowhedge, was killed near that place, by the following accident. A man named Cook was driving it home in a donkey and cart, in which were several bags of nails and other iron, when the animal shying ran on to a bank and upset the cart, and the bags of iron falling upon the unfortunate little sufferer it was killed upon the spot. The man was also much injured, and no blame is attributable to him.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 6 August 1841 - “DEATHS - On the 3rd inst., aged 57, much respected and deeply regretted by his family and friends, Mr. Barnabas Pettitt, of East Donyland Place, in this county.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 24 February 1843 - “DEATHS - On the 15th inst., Mr. John Johnson, of Rowhedge, blacksmith, aged 73 years.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 1 October 1847 -“DEATHS - Sept. 24th. Mary Ann Johnson, relict of the late John Johnson, blacksmith, of East Donyland, in this county, aged 87 years.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 6 May 1848 - “On Tuesday a sailor, named Brown, fell from the masthead of a vessel lying at Rowhedge, and expired almost immediately.”
Note: East Donyland burial register - William BROWN age 18, buried 7 May 1848.
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 27 April 1850 - “DEATHS - 22nd inst. at Donyland Lodge, near Colchester, Charlotte Henrietta, second daughter of the Rev. James John Holroyd, rector of Abberton, Essex, aged 13 years.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 18 May 1850 - “DIED - 11th inst. at Donyland Lodge, near Colchester, Mary Ann Thesiger, third daughter of the Rev. James John Holroyd, rector of Abberton, Essex, aged 10 years.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 19 July 1850 - “DEATHS - July 14th, at Donyland Lodge, near Colchester, of water in the head, George Ridley, aged six years, second son of the Rev. James John Holroyd, Rector of Abberton.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 7 April 1855 - “DEATH - Aged 59, Susannah, wife of Mr. Thos. L. Stone, of East Donyland.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 24 April 1858 - “MARRIED - 15th, at Harwich, Mr. Edward Fitch, of East Donyland, Colchester, third son of the late J.H. Fitch, Esq., R.N., to Deborah Caston Barnes, daughter of the late Mr. R.R. Barnes, of Harwich.”
SUFFOLK AND ESSEX FREE PRESS – 4 November 1858 – “MARRIED – Oct. 21, Mr. Philip Sainty, ship-builder, of East Donyland, to Miss Bacon, daughter of Mrs. Penney, of Wivenhoe.”
ESSEX STANDARD - Wednesday 7 March 1860 - “DEATHS - Feb.29th, at East Donyland, after a short illness, Mr. John Harris, ship-builder, of the above place.”
ESSEX STANDARD - Wednesday 12 September 1860 - “FATAL ACCIDENT - On Monday week a shipwright named Augustus Wade, at work on a ship in Mr. Sainty’s ship yard, East Donyland, accidentally fell into the hold and pitched upon his forehead, which he cut severely. He was promptly attended by Mr. Havens, surgeon, but notwithstanding every attention, the poor fellow died on Wednesday night.”
Also - MAN DROWNED - An inquest was held on Saturday at the Malster’s Arms, New Quay, Hythe, before J.M. Churchill, Esq., Borough Coroner, on the body of James Walford, a mariner, living at East Donyland.- Ralph Stanway, a labourer, said on Friday morning, about 8 o’clock, he saw the deceased lying in the water on the Wivenhoe side. He assisted in pulling him out, but he was quite dead. There were no marks of violence on the body.- Ann Walford, mother of the deceased, said she and her son had been to Wivenhoe Fair, on Thursday, and she left deceased about 7 o’clock in the evening, but did not see him alive again. He was subject to fits, and rather weak in his mind. He was quite sober.- Two lads were called to prove seeing him at Wivenhoe as late as 11 o’clock; but not being able to read or write, and being ignorant of the meaning of an oath, their evidence was not taken; and the jury at once returned an open verdict of “Found Drowned.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 17 August 1872 – “Interments at Colchester Cemetery.- During the week ending Aug. 9. Elizabeth Pearson, East Donyland, 36 years.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 27 December 1872. “MARRIAGES.- AMOS – BRUCE.- 17th inst. At Stanway church, Mr. James S. Amos, of Abberton, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Bruce, formerly of Donyland Hall.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 7 February 1873. “DEATHS.- BONNER.- 26th ult. At East Donyland, Jane, wife of Mr. Martin Bonner, aged 41.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 3 May 1873. “MARRIAGE. TYE – HARVEY.- 21st ult. At the Independent chapel, Wyvenhoe, Henry Tye, to Mary Ann, widow of Daniel Harvey, both of East Donyland.”
THE HALF-PENNY NEWSMAN - 25 July 1874. “LOSS OF A DONYLAND FISHERMAN. George Brown, of Donyland, one of the crew of the steam yacht Sunbeam, belonging to Mr. T. Brassey, M.P., has been drowned off the coast of Norway while baling water from the dingey attached to the yacht. He leaves a widow and one child. He had insured his life.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 26 March 1875. “DEATHS.- HOULDING.- March 19th, in her 81st year, Martha, widow of the late Samuel Houlding, of East Donyland.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Friday 14 January 1876. “DEATHS.- BLACKNEY.- Dec. 30th, at Bromley, Kent, Susannah Blackney, second daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Houlding, of East Donyland, aged 51.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 22 April 1876. “DEATHS.- LUFKIN. 16th inst. At East Donyland Rectory, Arthur Henry, only child of the Rev. Henry E. Lufkin, aged 16.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 4 November 1876. “DEATHS. LUFKIN.- 23rd ult. At East Donyland Rectory, Susan, wife of the Rev. H.E. Lufkin, aged 50.”
ESSEX TELEGRAPH - 19 February 1878 - “A LONELY DEATH - On Friday week Mr. W. Codd held an inquest at the Falcon Inn, on the body of an old mariner named Charles Ellis, aged 72, employed in watching the oyster layings of Mr. Heath. The deceased was visited on the smack by Mr. Heath, jun., at one o’clock p.m. on Tuesday, when he appeared to be in his usual health, but on Wednesday morning when Mr. Heath and a man named Mills rowed down the river to him, they found him dead in his bed. Mr. Ling, surgeon, was called in, and he attributed death to some affliction of the heart; and a verdict to that effect was returned.”
A previous article stated that Charles Ellis was of Rowhedge.
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 6 April 1878. “DEATHS – HAM.- 27th ult., in London, Abraham Ham, Donyland, near Colchester, aged 68.”
BURY AND NORWICH POST – 3 December 1878. “DIED – On the 13th ult., at East Donyland, Colchester, aged 45, Mr. Wm. Puxley, yacht builder, and fourth son of the late Mr. John Puxley, of Great Bentley.”
COLCHESTER GAZETTE – Wednesday 26 February 1879 – “THE LATE REV. JONATHAN BATES.- …. Mathematical master at Colchester Royal Grammar School….. constant and popular lecturer in St. John’s Street, more especially on astronomical subjects… Before he finally left Essex he was for some time Curate-in-Charge of East Donyland… Mr. Bates died on the 13th inst., as it were, in the prime of life, having completed his 50th year.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 8 March 1879. “DEATHS. 26th February, at East Donyland, John Rayner, malster, 88.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 29 March 1879. “DEATHS. 19th March, at East Donyland, Hetty Barker Cheek, widow, 78.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 19 April 1879. “DEATHS. 6th April, at East Donyland, Mary Ann Potter, 30.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 31 May 1879. “DEATHS. 14th May, at East Donyland, Arthur Richard Cranfield, 9 months.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 21 June 1879. “DEATHS. 17th June, at East Donyland, Sophia Sibborn, 65.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 1 November 1879. “DEATHS. 17th October, at East Donyland, Mary Ann Barnard, 26.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 29 November 1879. “DEATHS. 19th November, at East Donyland, Mary Powell, widow, 78.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 6 December 1879. “DEATHS. 23rd November, at East Donyland, Mary Ann Cole, widow, 77.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 3 January 1880. “DEATHS. 24th December, at East Donyland, Charles Walford, seaman, 51.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 17 January 1880. “DEATHS. 28th December, at East Donyland, Robt. Adams, 66.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 24 January 1880. “DEATHS. 13th January, at East Donyland, Edward Albert Hillyard, 2. Also – 16th January, at east Donyland, - Martin, 1 day.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE – Friday 30 January 1880. “DEATHS.- January 21st, at East Donyland, Fredk. W. Percival, (unreadable) months.
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - Friday 20 February 1880. "DEATHS - February 12th, at East Donyland, Albert Taylor, 14.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 27 March 1880. “DEATHS. 17th March, at East Donyland, - Hudson, 12 hours.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 10 April 1880. “DEATHS. 30th March, at East Donyland, James Allen, seaman, 27.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 15 May 1880. “DEATHS. 3rd May, at East Donyland, Blanche Lay, 4.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 29 May 1880. “DEATHS. 21st May, at East Donyland, John Brambrook Brown, 2. Also – 22nd May, at East Donyland, David Cook, 3.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 12 June 1880. “DEATHS. 1st June, at East Donyland, Thos. Harris, shipwright, 62.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - Friday 25 June 1880. “DEATHS - 7th June, at East Donyland, - Simons, 2 days. Also – 18th June, at East Donyland, Annie Cook, 1.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 10 July 1880. “DEATHS. 29th June, at East Donyland, James Clarke, seaman, 63.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 21 August 1880. “MARRIAGE - 12th August, at Wivenhoe West-street chapel, Edward Owers, Earls Colne, to Eleanor Collins, East Donyland.
DEATHS. 5th August, at East Donyland, Stephen Hy. Cranfield, 1. [son of Stephen & Mary Ann]. Also – 6th August, at East Donyland, Thos. Wm. Allen, 9 months.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 28 August 1880. “DEATHS. 16th August, at East Donyland, John Wm. James, 4.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 4 September 1880. “DEATHS. 26th August, at East Donyland, Cornelius Wade, carpenter, 44.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 18 September 1880. “DEATHS. 11th September, at East Donyland, Annie Eliza James, 5. Also – 13th September, at East Donyland, Ruby Sylphide Lay, 10 months.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 9 October 1880. “DEATHS. 21st September, at East Donyland, Emma B. Simons, 3 months. Also – 22nd, at East Donyland, Rosina Pearman, 1 month.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 23 October 1880. “DEATHS. 6th October, at East Donyland, Henry Wm. Hubbard, 3 months.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 30 October 1880. “DEATHS. 18th October, at East Donyland, Gerald Lay, 6.” Also – “MARRIAGES – 20th October, at Colchester Register Office, Wm. Edward Baines to Eliza Mary Ann Newcombe, East Donyland.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN – 6 November 1880. “DEATHS. 20th October, at East Donyland, Eliza Nash Pearson, 25. Also – 26th October, at East Donyland, Thomas Lay, cordwainer, 76. Also – 31st October, at East Donyland, Eliza Cook, widow, 71.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN –20 November 1880. “DEATHS. 1st November, at East Donyland, Ethel Jane Cook, 18 days. Also – 2nd November, at East Donyland, Emily Elizabeth Brown, 6.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN –27 November 1880. “DEATHS. 10th November, at East Donyland, Charles Arthur Brown, 1.”
CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - Friday 10 December 1880. “Deaths.- 1st December, at East Donyland, Sarah Knights, 56.”
THE HALFPENNY NEWSMAN - Monday 19 December 1881 - “DEATHS - December 4, at East Donyland, James Simons, seaman, 70.”
SOUTHEND STANDARD – Friday 1 September 1882. “On Monday, August 28th, Mr. W.J. Payne, held an inquest at Guy’s Hospital upon the body of Alfred Paul Allen, aged 60, a mariner, residing at Rowhedge, near Wivenhoe, who met his death by falling from the rigging of a vessel lying off Fenning’s Wharf, London Bridge, on August 23rd. The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death.”
ESSEX NEWSMAN – Saturday 15 December 1888. “BEGG – RANDALL.- On December 5th, at East Donyland Church, by the Rev. H.E. Lufkin, Laura, third daughter of Mr. W.F. Randall to Mr. John Begg.”
ESSEX STANDARD – Saturday 21 June 1890. “PUXLEY.- On Thursday, the 18th, at East Donyland, Julia Ann, relict of the late William Puxley, yacht builder, aged 57 years. Deeply regretted.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 21 October, 1899 - “SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. ROBINSON - The wife of Mr. A. Robinson of Donyland Hall, died very suddenly at 5.45 on the morning of October 17. She had had rather a bad cold for two or three days, and her heart had been considered weak for the past few years. She did not complain of feeling worse than usual on retiring to bed on the night of October 16 and she slept well, rising, as was her custom , at 5.45 am, to call her sons. She spoke to them and returned to her bed-room, where she almost immediately fell down, and died in a few minutes, she was in her 64th year. She had lived in the parish of East Donyland 53 years.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 5 October 1899 - R. Pearson on jury at the inquest, the previous day, on Joseph Harden, of Barrack Street, Colchester, aged just over 40. Harden felt unwell after bricklaying at Rowhedge and went into the Three Crowns where he had a pint and a clay pipe. He went round to the yard where he was found dead. Turner Barnard, jury Foreman.
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 27 October 1894 - "EAST DONYLAND - TWO SUDDEN DEATHS - Two sudden deaths, one of a somewhat remarkable character, occurred in Rowhedge during Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. About a fortnight since, Mr. Robert Napier, son of John Napier, of Scotland, bought from Captain Turner Barnard, through Mr. Enos Harris, the yawl yacht Dryad, formerly belonging to Colonel Howard, of Colchester. Mr. Napier was living on board the Dryad, in Mr. Harris's yard, while she was undergoing some repairs, but on Sunday, being taken unwell, he went to stay at Captain Turner Barnard's house. Dr. E. Squire was called in, and every care was taken, but Mr. Napier died at Midnight on Wednesday. The second death was that of Capt. J. Scarfe, a master mariner, who formerly had charge of the yacht Marchea, is well known all round the coast, and lately was landlord of the North Castle Inn, Colchester. Capt. Scarfe was met at an early hour on Wednesday by Capt. Barnard's son Henry, and he walked down the street with the lad, and told him that he felt very bad. He had previously that morning complained of pain in his right side. Capt. Scarfe then went into the Ship Inn, and called for something to drink, complaining again of feeling very bad, and it was suggested to him by Mr. George Pitt that he should move into a corner of the bar, where he would be more comfortable. Capt. Scarfe said "Oh! do leave me alone." but moved as he suggested, and no sooner had he done so than his head fell forward on to the counter, and he expired."
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 8 March 1902 - Capt. William Stratton Brown died in Essex and Colchester Hospital on Thursday morning after cutting his throat. He was worried he might go to jail for a breach of promise, but this was not so. Had a son John Brown, and a brother-in-law Capt. A. Cranfield.
ESSEX TELEGRAPH – 11 October 1902 - ROWHEDGE – “INTERESTING WEDDING – A very pretty wedding and one which excited much interest in the village, took place at the Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr. R.W. Pearson, eldest son of Mr. Robert Pearson, of Quay House, and Miss. Maude A. Pitt, eldest daughter of Mr. Councillor T.W. Pitt, the postmaster. Both the bride and bridegroom are well known throughout the district, Mr. Pearson being the Parish Council’s clerk and assistant-overseer. The village was gay with flags and bunting, and almost every yacht in the creek flew streamers or pennants as a mark of respect. The church was crowded, the officiating clergyman being the Rector (Rev. J.M. Easterling). The bride – who was dressed in cream voile with a wreath of orange blossom and bridal veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet – was given away by her father. She was attended by four bridesmaids, Misses Ruby Pitt (sister of the bride), and Gertie Pearson (sister of the bridegroom) – who wore Bicuat Voilette over pale blue with black picture hats – and Misses Edith Pearson (sister of the bridegroom) and Edith Howard (of Ipswich), who were dressed in cream alpaca with felt hats to match. All the bridesmaids wore gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. Albert Scarfe acted as “best man”. The numerous presents, which numbered considerably over one hundred, testified to the great respect in which both Mr and Mrs. Pearson are held. A reception afterwards took place at the residence of the bride’s parents.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 12 September 1903 - EAST DONYLAND – “WEDDING – A very pretty wedding was solemnized in the Parish Church, on Wednesday, September 9. The contracting parties were Mr. Frank Robinson, youngest son of Mr. Abraham Robinson, of Donyland Hall, and Miss. Kate Barnard, fourth daughter of Capt. Turner Barnard, of Albion Street, East Donyland. The village was gaily flagged and presented quite a festive appearance. The ceremony took place at noon, the Rector, Rev. J.M. Easterling, officiating. Capt. Turner Barnard gave his daughter away. She was becomingly attired in a travelling costume, and carried a handsome bouquet of choice flowers, and was attended by four bridesmaids, viz., Miss. Edith Barnard, Miss Nellie Barnard, sisters of the bride, Miss. May Robinson, sister of the bridegroom, Miss. Nellie Nunn, friend of the bride. Two were dressed in pink silk muslin dresses and two in white dresses. The presents were numerous and costly, and included a cheque from bride’s father to bride. The bridegroom presented to the bride a necklace of pearls. The present from bride to bridegroom was a handsome dressing case. Mr. Joseph Robinson, brother of the bridegroom, did duty as best man. Among those assembled at the church were Mrs. Wallace Allen, Mrs. Pledger, sister of the bride, Mr. Turner Barnard, Mr. H. Barnard, brothers of the bride, Mrs. Whitell, Miss. Alice Robinson, sisters of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Turner Barnard, junior, Mrs. R.W. Pearson, Mr. W. Chancy, Mr. E. Amos, Miss. Pitt, Mrs. George Pitt, Miss. Clara Cranfield, and many others. A reception was afterwards held at the home of the bride’s parents. The happy pair left at 6pm, amid the congratulations and good wishes of their many friends, for Dover. The carriages were supplied from the Cups Hotel Yard, and the bridecake from Messrs. Wright Brothers, of Colchester.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 10 December 1904 - “EAST DONYLAND - DECEASE - Flags have been flying at half-mast in Rowhedge in consequence of the death of Captain J. Powell, one of the best-known yacht skippers of this parish. The sad event took place at his residence in Albion Street, the end being not unexpected. Capt. Powell had been in failing health for some months; indeed it was doubtful if he would be able to finish the last season’s yachting cruise. Deceased was possessed of a deep, resonant voice, and was a true type of a British sea-dog. He had had a life of many and varied experiences. In his younger days he formed one of the crew of Lord Brassey’s famous yacht Sunbeam, which cruised round the world. Up to the close of his life he was captain of Sir Walter Greene’s fine steam yacht Sunflower, of which he was justly proud. He was about 68 years of age, and leaves a widow and four grown-up sons. The funeral took place on Thursday, in the parish churchyard.”
[John Isaiah Powell, aged 67, son of Captain Isaiah Powell who captained the Sunbeam.]
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 23 December 1905 - EAST DONYLAND – “DEATH OF MR. ABRAHAM ROBINSON – Death has claimed a familiar figure of the parish, in the person of Mr. Abraham Robinson, the well-known farmer of East Donyland Hall, whose death occurred in the early hours of Tuesday morning, December 19. Deceased had been in failing health for some time previously and had been assiduously attended by Dr. Squire. Mr. Robinson took a great interest in the public affairs of the parish, and at the time of his death held the office of Rector’s Churchwarden, and at one time was one of the representatives of the parish at the Lexden and Winstree Board of Guardians. He was also a parish Councillor. He leaves a family of 7 sons and 4 daughters, with whom much sympathy is felt. His wife predeceased him some years ago.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 30 December 1905 - EAST DONYLAND – THE FUNERAL OF MR. ABRAHAM ROBINSON – “The funeral of Mr. Abraham Robinson, whose death was recorded in our last issue, took place on Saturday, December 23, in the parish churchyard, in the same brick grave as deceased’s wife. The Rector (Rev. J.M. Easterling) officiated. The mourners included Mr. Wm. Robinson, Mr. Wesley Robinson, Mr. George Robinson, Mr. Arthur Robinson, Mr. Joseph Robinson, Mr. John Robinson, Mr. Frank Robinson (sons), Mrs. Whittel, Miss. Robinson, Miss. May Robinson, Miss. Alice Robinson (daughters), Mrs. Miller (sister), and Mr. Miller (brother-in-law). Among those present at the graveside were – Mr. J.S. Amos (Churchwarden), Capt. Turner Barnard (Rural District Council), Capt. Mark Cutts, Mr. John Jennings, Mr. Telford King, Mr. John Turff, Mrs. John Cranfield, etc. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Mr. Wm. S. Crickmore, Rowhedge.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 10 February 1906 - Death of an Old Inhabitant - Good obituary for Robert Fisher, 2 medals, aged 84, fine physique, Naval pensioner, totally deaf, etc…
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 29 September 1906 - "EAST DONYLAND – SAD DEATH – Widespread sympathy is felt in the parish for the relatives of the young sailor, Charles Crosby, who died on Sunday, September 23, at the early age of 33 years, blood poisoning and inflammation of the brain being the cause of death. Deceased was a native of the parish, and had only returned from yachting a fortnight previously having been second cook on the steam yacht Walrus. He was married, and was greatly respected by all who knew him, and was of a steady, quiet, and amiable disposition. He leaves a widow and one young son. A singular coincidence in connection with his death is that the mate of the same vessel died a year ago on the same day at the close of the yachting season. The funeral of Crosby took place in the parish churchyard yesterday (Friday).”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 6 October 1906 - "EAST DONYLAND – FUNERAL – The funeral of the young sailor Charles Crosby, whose death was recorded in our issue of Saturday last, took place in the parish churchyard on Friday, Sept. 28, the crew of the vessel acting as bearers. There was a large number of relatives and friends present, and the scene both in the Church and at the graveside was very impressive, the last sad rites being performed by the Rector (Rev. J.M. Easterling). The Wesleyan Mariners’ Choir (of which deceased was a member) attended, and the hymn “Safe in the arms of Jesus” was sung in the Church, and at the conclusion of the service at the graveside the hymn “Shall we meet beyond the river?”, many being visibly moved to tears. The floral tributes were very beautiful and were from the following:- Widow, wreath; Mr. C.S. Stamp (deceased’s employer), wreath; crew, wreath; Dr. Kevern (medical attendant), cross; Stanley and Kate [Cranfield], cross.”
Charles Crosby, pictured on board America's Cup challenger Valkyrie II at New York in 1894.

ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 4 January 1908 - “EAST DONYLAND - DEATH AND FUNERAL - Much sympathy is felt for the family of Mr. William Percival, of Albion Street, whose death occurred somewhat suddenly in the early hours of Sunday morning, Dec. 29. Deceased was about in his usual health a few days previously, when he took a chill from which he rapidly sank. He was 59 years of age, and was a man of remarkably fine physique. The funeral took place in the parish churchyard on Wednesday, the interment being in the same grave as that of his wife, who died some four years ago.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 21 March 1908 - “EAST DONYLAND - DEATHS - Death has claimed two more residents and natives of the parish, viz, Mr. John Powell, at the advanced age of 82 years, and Mr. J.C. Allen, aged 62. Mr. Allen had been an invalid for some time. For some years previous to that he was in the employ of Lord Brassey. Both of the deceased were interred in the parish churchyard.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 25 April 1908 – EAST DONYLAND – WEDDING – “On Easter Monday, at Southwark Cathedral, the wedding took place between Mr. William D. Barnard, third son of Captain James Barnard, of High Street, East Donyland, and Miss. Beatrice May Farrow, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrow, of Southwark. The bride was charmingly attired in a dress of pale pink liberty silk, with veil and orange blossoms, and carried a lovely bouquet of choice flowers, the gift of the bridegroom. She was attended by five bridesmaids, Miss. Amelia Farrow and Miss. Violet Farrow, sisters of the bride, and the Misses. Lizzie, Hettie, and Margaret Barnard, sisters of the bridegroom; three were dressed in white silk, with hats to match, and two in pale biscuit crepe de chine, with pink sashes and lace hats. The bridegroom presented the bride and bridesmaids with a gold brooch. The presents were numerous and useful. Mr. J.O. Barnard acted as best man. Later in the day Mr. and Mrs. Barnard left for Hastings, where the honeymoon will be spent. Flags were hoisted on several of the craft lying at this station, in honour of the event.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 6 June 1908 - “DEATH OF A YACHT CAPTAIN - There passed away on Friday, May 29, a well-known and respected resident, in the person of Capt. Richard Michael Wadley, at his residence, Albion Street, at the age of 65 years, after an illness of some ten months’ duration. Mr. Wadley had been in his young time one of the foremost sailors in the yacht-racing world. He leaves a widow and grown-up family of five sons and two daughters. Four sons are sailors and are employed in yacht racing, The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon in East Donyland churchyard.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 14 August 1909 - WEDDING - The wedding took place on Saturday, August 7th of Miss Agnes COOK, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W.A. COOK, of High Street to Mr. Frederick J. HARRIS, second son of Mr. & Mrs. B.J. HARRIS of West Street, at All Saint's Church, Toronto, Canada. Mr. Harris has resided in Toronto for about two years. Miss Cook sailed from England on July 23rd in s.s. Virginian, Allan Line. The good wishes of their numerous friends go with them.
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH – Saturday 15 July 1911 - Mr. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson etc attended the funeral of Mr. J.S. Amos at the Old Churchyard on Tuesday afternoon.
THE YACHTSMAN – 7 December 1911 – “A man named Sparling, employed as the mess-room steward on Sir Marcus Samuel’s aux. sch. Lady Torfrida, which has gone round to Glasgow from Cowes for a new boiler, fell down the hatchway and was killed last week. He was a native of Wivenhoe.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 15 February 1913 - "ROWHEDGE – OCTOGENARIAN’S SUDDEN DEATH – On Saturday, Feb. 8, Mr. Thomas Knight (no “s”), an aged mariner, passed away very suddenly. Deceased, who was 85, had been living with his daughter, Mrs. H. Spinks.”
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH - 15 February 1913 - DEATH OF MR THOMAS KNIGHTS: Mr Thomas KNIGHTS, aged 84, a respected inhabitant and an old age pensioned of Albion Street, died on Saturday, 8 Feb 1913. In the early part of his life he was a yachtsman, and afterwards for many years a ferryman between Rowhedge and Wivenhoe. The funeral took place on Friday, Feb 14, at the Parish Church, the Rector officiating. The mourners included; Mrs. SPINKS and Mrs. DOWMAN (daughters) and Mr Thomas KNIGHTS (son). Several nieces, grandchildren and great grandchildren were also present at the ceremony.
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 22 February 1913 - ROWHEDGE - Mr. R. Pearson attended the funeral of Mr. Enos Harris on Saturday afternoon, February 15.
ALSO - “OCTOGENARIAN’S FUNERAL - The remains of the late Mr. T. Knights were interred in the East Donyland Churchyard on Friday, February 14. A large number of relatives attended the funeral, the Rev. J.M. Easterling officiating.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 27 September 1913 - “ROWHEDGE - OCTOGENARIAN’S DEATH - On Saturday night, Sept. 20, Mr. Charles Crosby passed away. The deceased, who had been incapacitated for a long time, was at one time captain of a sailing vessel and owner of a ketch, named the Blossom, but later retired from seafaring life and carried on a coal business at Rowhedge. He was in his 88th year. The funeral took place on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at East Donyland Church, the Rector, Rev. J.M. Easterling, officiating, a large number of people assembled at the graveside, and sang one of his favourite hymns, “Rock of Ages cleft for me,” at the close of the service. He leaves a widow, who is in her 84th year, and one son. There were floral tributes from mrs. G.N. Scrutton and Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Watsham.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 11 October 1913 - “ROWHEDGE - SHIPWRECKED MARINERS’ SOCIETY - Capt. Turner Barnard, hon. secretary to the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society, reports that the sum of £17.5. was paid to the widow of the late Mr. C. Crosby, who died on September 20.”
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH – Friday 13 June 1914 - ROWHEDGE – FUNERAL OF MRS. PRATT – Among those attending the funeral of Mrs. Pratt, wife of the church organist were; Mr. and Mrs. Simons
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 19 June 1915 - “ROWHEDGE - NONAGENARIAN’S DEATH - On Tuesday, June 15, Mrs. Crosby, widow of the late Mr. Chas. Crosby, at one time shipowner and coal merchant, of High Street, Rowhedge, passed away. Deceased was over 90 years of age, and had been confined to her bed with rheumatism for many years.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 30 October 1915 - "ROWHEDGE – SUDDEN DEATH – Mrs. Cranfield, wife of Capt. Jesse Cranfield, passed away suddenly at her residence on Wednesday afternoon, October 27.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Friday 6 November 1915 - “FUNERAL OF MRS. Cranfield - The funeral of the late Mrs. Cranfield, wife of Capt. Jesse Cranfield, Chiquita Cottage, Regent Street, took place at East Donyland Churchyard on Saturday, Oct. 30, attended by many expressions of sympathy for the bereaved. The Rector, Rev. J.M. Easterling, officiated. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. W.S. Crickmore.”
ALSO - “FUNERAL - The funeral of the late Mrs. Turner Barnard, wife of Capt. Turner Barnard, of Albion Street, Rowhedge, took place on Wednesday afternoon at East Donyland Churchyard, the Rector, Rev. J.M. Easterling, officiating. The arrangements were carried out by Mr. W.S. Crickmore. The only member of the family absent was Mr. Oscar Barnard, Royal Naval Reserve, who is on the H.M.S. Otranto and could not be communicated with. The mourners were: Captain Turner Barnard (husband), Mr. Turner Barnard, jun, and Capt. H.D. Barnard, s.s. Seagull (sons), Agnes, Annie, Florrie, Katie, Edith, Nellie and Clara, daughters; Mr. H. Pledger, Ripley, Surrey; P.O. Wallace Allen, R.N.A.S., C.P.O. Frank Robinson, H.M.S. “Engadine,” and Mr. Willie Chaney, jun., Wivenhoe, sons-in-law; Mrs. H.D. Barnard, wife of Captain H.D. Barnard, daughter-in-law; Wallace and Percy Allen, grandsons; Mr. R. Cranfield , jun.; Mrs. William brown, niece; Capt. and Mrs. J.O. Barnard, Mrs. B. Barnard, sen., Capt. James Barnard, jun., nephew; Mrs. W. Hempstead, Brightlingsea, niece; Miss. olive Barnard, niece; Mrs. Gerald Lay, niece; Mrs. B. Barnard, jun., Mrs. J. Wisbey, cousin; Mrs. W. Crickmore, Captain E. Ennew, cousin; Captain D. James, cousin; Mr. E.H. Goodrum, and other friends; nurses, Mrs. R. Cranfield and Mrs. W. Brown. Numerous letters of sympathy have been received by the family. The floral tributes included: Cross “In affectionate remembrance of a devoted wife and mother, from Father, Agnes and Clara, R.I.P.”; wreaths: “In ever loving memory of the dearest of mothers,” from Annie and Harry, Turner and Georgie, Flo and Wallace, Katie and Frank, Henry and Ethel, Edith and Will, Oscar, Nellie and Dick; bouquet: “To dear Grandma, with love,” from Edna and Doris, Lily, Agnes, Edith, Oscar, Teddy and Baby, Willie, Beryl and little Ronald; wreath: “With deepest sympathy,” from Lord Newborough, 39, Park Lane, London, W.; wreath; “With loving sympathy,” from an old friend, M.E. Shea, Taunton; cross; “With deepest sympathy,” from Mrs. J.O. Barnard; wreath, “With kind sympathy,” from the Misses Robinson, Battleswick Farm; wreath, “In loving memory of dear Aunt Hannah,” from her niece Rosa and Husband, Brightlingsea; wreath, “With sincerest sympathy,” from the girls of St. Andrew’s School, Taunton.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 4 December 1915 - “ROWHEDGE - SUDDEN DEATH” - Martha Jane Woods died Sunday Nov. 28. Small report and funeral on Friday (yesterday) at Fingringhoe.
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – 6 May 1916. “FUNERAL – On Saturday afternoon, April 29, the remains of Mrs. Zipporah (the wife of Captain Barty Smith, who has been in command of the Earl of Dunraven’s yacht Cariad for several years past), were laid to rest in the churchyard in the presence of a large number of inhabitants. The deceased passed away at her residence Albion Street, on Tuesday, April 25, after a very few days’ illness. The service was conducted by the Rev. J.M. Easterling, the vicar. The coffin of oak was laid in a brick grave lined with white flowers, the mourners being Captain B. Smith (husband), Mrs. R. Wadley (daughter), Mr. R. Wadley (son-in-law), Mr. Fred Cook, brother…. Etc.
Capt. B. Smith and daughter Desire to express their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent heavy bereavement. Albion Street, Rowhedge, may 1, 1916.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD – Saturday 4 November 1922 – ROWHEDGE. Septimus Walford died on board Hani IV. He was relieved of the wheel and turned in. Was found dead in bed at 5 a.m.. Aged 52 years, left one son.
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 7 July 1923 - “ROWHEDGE - “DEATH AT SEA - Mr. Percy Allen, second son of Capt. and Mrs. Wallace Allen, of Rowhedge, has died at sea. Mr. Wallace Allen is capt. of the yacht Atalanta, now lying at the Rowhedge Ironworks Lower yard for cleaning up. Deceased was quartermaster of the Port Albany, of the Cunard Line of the Commonwealth and Dominion Line. He had taken this trip with a view to sitting for his second mate’s ticket. The sad news was received from the Capt. from Sydney, on July 3, by cable.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 7 July 1923 - "ROWHEDGE - THE LATE MR. A. BARNARD - The remains of the late Mr. Arthur Barnard, who was drowned off board the yacht Zara, at Southampton, last week, were conveyed home on Sunday, July 1, by motor hearse, and were interred in East Donyland churchyard on Wednesday afternoon, July 4, amidst many expressions of sympathy from the residents."
Sadly he committed suicide. There is an article on his death.
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH – Saturday 23 February 1929 - “ROWHEDGE - OBITUARY – The death occurred on Monday of Mrs. Moulton, aged 77 years, widow of Mr. Wm. Moulton of Chapel Street. On the same day Mr. Walter William Knights, aged 62, of Dark House Lane, also passed away, leaving a widow and one daughter.”
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Saturday 2 March 1929 - “ROWHEDGE - THREE DEATHS - Three further deaths have occurred during the past week: Mrs. Cook, aged about 82, widow of the late Capt. Harry Cook, Church Street, Rowhedge; Mrs. H. Parker, of Church Street, Rowhedge, aged 73, who passed away on Sunday, February 23; and her husband, Mr. Harry Parker, aged 75, who died on Tuesday, February 26.”
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH – Saturday 9 March 1929 - “ROWHEDGE – A DOUBLE FUNERAL – Amid manifestations of sympathy and esteem, the funeral took place on Saturday, at the Old Churchyard, of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker, aged 75 and 73 respectively, of Church Street, whose death within two days of one another was reported in last week’s County Telegraph. Mr. Parker, it will be recalled, died two days after his wife Julia Ann and the family records show that Mr. Parker’s father and mother were also united in death, expiring within a few hours of one another. The chief mourners were- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Parker and Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker, sons and daughters-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hillyard, son-in-law and daughter; Mrs. H. Parker, daughter-in-law; Mabel and Kenneth Hillyard, son-in-law and daughter; Mrs. O. Springett, Mrs. Edward Hillyard, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. J. Shirley (nieces); Mr. J. Shirley (nephew).”
Also: "THE CHILDREN OF THE LATE MR. AND MRS. HENRY PARKER Return heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy in their recent double bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes sent. Rowhedge, March 8th, 1929."
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD - Some Local Obituaries 1929 - Eric George Allen aged 7 months, 2nd April. Captain Roland Barnard.