

Newspaper Articles - General Interest
1740 - 1849

THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 14 June 1740 - “From the Colchester Journal. Colchester, June 13. Yesterday several disorderly People went in a Body to East-Donyland near this Town, where a large Quantity of Flower being Laid in a Barn, in order to be shipp’d for other Parts, they broke open the Barn Door, seized upon the same, and carried off a great Part thereof; Several of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace met immediately, and used their utmost Endeavours to disperse the Mob, but to no Purpose, for they could not be prevailed on to retire till they had executed their intended Design.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 1 September 1764 - “This is to give Notice, THAT there will be a GOLD LACED HAT (given Gratis) to be run for by any four Persons, or more, two Miles at a Heat, the best of three Heats, on THURSDAY the 6th Day of September, at the SHIP in EAST DONYLAND, near Wivenhoe. Dinner to be ready exactly at Two o’Clock.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 18 February 1786 - “Thursday se’nnight, at night, Mr. John Sibborn of Colchester, seedsman, in attempting to swim across the channel from Wivenhoe to Rowhedge, was drowned. His body was found next morning.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 26 January 1788 - “This day se’nnight in the afternoon, the body of Mr. Holt, late of Lexden, miller, after having been missed a fortnight, (an account of which was given in our paper of the 12th instant) was found by a fisherman, in the channel, at Rowhedge, at which place the inquisition was taken before G. Griggs, Esq. on Sunday morning; the body was examined by two surgeons, who were of opinion, that the wounds which appeared on his head, were not the cause of his death, and the jury, after examining several witnesses, brought in their verdict, Accidental death; half -a-guinea, a sixpence, and some halfpence, were found in his pockets. He was well respected, and has left a wife and four children to lament their loss, and his untimely end. His remains were interred on Sunday evening at Lexden.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 5 December 1789 - “VAGRANCY. EAST DONYLAND, December 2, 1789. NOTICE is hereby given, that all BEGGARS, VAGRANTS, and IDLE PERSONS, who shall be found wandering and lurking in and about the parish of East Donyland, will be taken before a magistrate, and punished as the law directs. No lenity shall be shewn to those who take in lodgers or inmates.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 4 May 1793 - “BRICKS. The Public are hereby informed, that the making of BRICKS will be continued at ROWHEDGE, near Colchester, Essex, and that they may in a few weeks be supplied with any quantity of red brick, or any quantity of the London sorts, upon the customary terms. Rowhedge is situated near the water side, where vessels of 10 feet water may come up with safety; and to save trouble and expence, it is proposed to deliver the bricks free on board. For further particulars enquire of John Crew on the premises. Barges or smaller craft to be hired there on easy terms.”
THE IPSWICH JOURNAL - 31 March 1804 - “COLCHESTER, March 30. Last Tuesday afternoon a fire broke out in the malting office of Mr. James Mothersole, of East Donyland, near Colchester, which did considerable damage to the building, &c. and destroyed a quantity of malt. Fortunately the premises and stock were insured.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 4 July 1812 - “Crown-Office, June 27, 1812. BANKRUPTS. J. Tupper, East Donyland, Essex, Malster.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 6 August 1814 - “C. Burwell was capitally convicted of stealing a silver watch, in the house of J. Yell, of East Donyland.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 5 May 1829 – “CONVICTIONS.- 27th ult…. Henry Willis, for a misdemeanour in the service of Wm. Sebborn, of East Donyland, 1 month.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 29 September 1829 – “GAME LIST – COUNTY OF ESSEX. PERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES for the Year 1829. List 1.- General Certificates, at £3. 13s. 6d. each. [including] Verlander, Joseph, East Donyland and Ward, George, Donyland.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 12 November 1831 - “FOWL STEALING - On Thursday, Mr. J.W. Cooper, a farmer at Fingringhoe, attended before J.F. Mills, Esq. to make his complaint respecting the loss of some fowls. He stated that on Sunday night last, the 6th inst., his hen-house was broken open and a great number of fowls stolen therefrom; and Joseph Wade, of East Donyland, stated that on Monday evening last he went to the house of one Game, who keeps a Tom and Jerry shop in East Donyland, and fowls were raffled for, which fowls were put up by Game and his wife. Wade stated that he raffled and won a pair of fowls alive, which he had since shown to Mr. Cooper, who believed them to be his property, and part of those so stolen as aforesaid. A warrant was granted against Wade and his wife, and they will be brought up this day.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 3 December 1831 - “ESSEX ADJOURNED SESSION - This Session commenced on Tuesday morning, with a calendar of 56 prisoners, as many as 24 of whom had been before convicted... On the names of the Petty Jurymen being called over, four of them did not answer; they were severally fined 40s.
Henry Game was indicted for having on the 7th November at the parish of Fingringhoe, stolen 2 live tame fowls the property of John Whittaker Cooper.
Mr. Round was for the prosecution, Mr. Knox for the prisoner.
The following facts were detailed in evidence:- Ruth Kemp stated she was housekeeper to the prosecutor; on Sunday evening, 6th Nov. the hen-house on Mr. Cooper’s premises, which contained 80 fowls, was locked up; on the following morning, about 9 o’clock, witness discovered that 25 fowls had been stolen; that on the Tuesday morning following, witness was going towards Fingringhoe and was met by Joseph Wade, who showed witness 2 fowls he had in a basket, and asked witness if she knew them. [The fowls were here produced.] Witness knew them to be her master’s property, and swore positively they were part of those stolen; that witness bred them in June last, but could not say what breed they were.- Cross examined by Mr. Knox. I am quite sure the fowls are my master’s property; he gives me a part of the money the fowls fetch when sold; I feed the fowls myself; I did not refuse persons seeing them on prisoner’s behalf when they first applied to Mr. Cooper for that purpose; but did afterwards refuse some of prisoner’s witnesses an inspection of the fowls, because I had orders not to let any one else look at them; I did not swear positively to the fowls when before the Magistrates at Colchester Castle, when prisoner was first charged with the felony.
Joseph Wade proved that he was a carpenter living at East Donyland. Witness on Monday evening the 7th November, went to the prisoner’s house, which is fitted up as a beer-house; that prisoner then brought out a pair of fowls which the party in the room were going to raffle for; witness bought a man’s chance, and witness was the winner. Prisoner’s wife gave witness the fowls, those now produced, and witness took them away. Witness had heard of Mr. Cooper’s loss of fowls, and also of a raffle for fowls which was to take place at prisoner’s, and witness went, thinking he might see Mr. Cooper’s fowls there; witness was taking the fowls to Mr. Cooper’s when he was met by Ruth Kemp, who identified them. Witness afterwards took the fowls to Mr. Cooper’s, and set them down in the yard with the other fowls.- Cross examined by Mr. Knox. The fowls were publicly exposed by prisoner in the tap-room when they were raffled for, and not concealed in any way whatever; the fowls were alive, and not plucked. After the strictest investigation into the details of this case, and a vast deal of minute evidence, the Jury, after a few moments consultation, returned a verdict of not guilty; and the Chairman told Game that as the keeper of a beer-shop, he acted very improperly in allowing raffling; his conduct in that respect was censurable. As regarded the robbery, the prisoner would leave the court without the least imputation on his character. He was ordered to be immediately discharged.”
Other crimes and punishments at the Session... Stealing a silk handkerchief (previous convictions for various felonies) - Fourteen years’ transportation. Stealing a bushel of wheat - Seven years’ transportation. Stealing two bushels of dressed wheat (previous convictions) - Three months’ hard labour and once severely whipped. Stealing a chicken (previous convictions) - One month solitary hard labour, and once severely whipped.
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 25 August 1832 - “ESSEX COUNTY COURT, August 21. Before T.M. Gepp, Esq. Under Sheriff. Chapman v. Willett.- An action brought by Mary Chapman, a widow, carrying on a baking business at Wivenhoe, against Joseph Willett, a smack owner, for 19s. 6. for ship biscuits. Defendant admitted the debt, but pleaded a tender. Plaintiff’s foreman swore that after defendant received a letter from Mr. Lockwood, he sent his servant girl to settle the bill, but she never produced the money. His mistress refused to take it, referring her to Mr. Lockwood. For defendant, Mary Bickers, the servant, swore that she tendered the money on the 12th and the 20th of May, 1831. She opened her hand, and showed Mrs. Chapman the money. Verdict for the defendant.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 1 September 1832 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, August 25. Present - Matthew Corsellis, Esq., in the Chair, J.F. Mills, T.J. Turner, T.L. Ewen, G. Savill, P. Havens, C. Cobbold, D.O. Blyth, Esqs., Rev. W.M. Hurlock, Rev. N. Foster. - The court-room was this day crowded with men and women from Donyland and Wivenhoe, who attended either as witnesses, or from curiosity, in the case of assault which we noticed last week. On the present occasion, the tables were turned - for instead of John Walford prosecuting Wade, which he threatened to do on the former Court day, Wade brought his action against Walford. The complaint was that on the 11th ult. Wade was at the Three Crowns at Donyland, playing skittles for some beer; Walford came there, and, after insulting the complainant, struck him twice. Three witnesses swore to the facts here set forth; while three or four witnesses for the defence swore as positively that Wade first assaulted Walford. It turned out in the end, that it being dark (9 o’clock at night) none of the witnesses could see who commenced the fray! The Chairman said that it was neither more nor less than a drunken public-house row; and after hearing much on both sides of the question, of the most contradictory tendency, moved that the complaint be dismissed. Dismissed accordingly. It was afterwards understood in court, that the parties were determined to bring their action before the County Court at Chelmsford.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 29 September 1832 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Sept. 22 - William Mills, of East Donyland, obtained a summons against John Allen, of the same parish, for an assault committed on the previous Saturday, which case is to be investigated this day.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 24 August 1833 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Wednesday - The Constable of East Donyland this day brought before Sir. G.H. Smyth, Bart., J.F. Mills and Thos. White, jun. Esqrs., a sailor to appearance, of the name of James Brown, to be punished as a vagrant. The case against him was made by David Mustard, Esq. of East Donyland, charging him with going to his dwelling-house in the evening of Tuesday the 20th inst. demanding alms, and upon being requested to depart he refused, and conducted himself very improperly, stating he would not go off the premises that night, but would sleep there. He was committed to Halstead House of Correction for one month at hard labour for the offence, and severely admonished by Sir Henry Smyth as to his future conduct, which he promised to attend to.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 17 September 1833 – “GAME LIST – COUNTY OF ESSEX. PERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES for the Year 1833. List 1.- General Certificates, at £3. 13s. 6d. each. [including] Verlander, Joseph, East Donyland & Pettitt, B., Donyland”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 12 October 1833 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday. Summonses were granted upon the complaint of the overseer of East Donyland, against Philip King and William Brown, for non-payment of poor-rates amounting to 8s. each."
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 26 October 1833 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday. The overseer of East Donyland obtained summonses against five persons residing in that parish, for non-payment of poor rates.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 29 October 1833 – “GAME LIST – COUNTY OF ESSEX. PERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES for the Year 1833. List 1.- General Certificates, at £3. 13s. 6d. each. [including] Ward, George, Donyland.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Saturday 16 November 1833
“ASSAULTS - Warrants were granted against... Thomas Jaggard, of Wivenhoe, for assaulting William Sansom, of East Donyland.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 7 January 1834. “Number of Voters Registered in the Respective Parishes In the Several Hundreds of the County of Essex for 1832 and 1833. Northern Division – Lexden: Donyland, East – 30 (1832), 31 (1833).”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 19 September 1834 - “CASTLE, September 13.- John Green Chamberlain, of Wivenhoe, appeared to prefer a charge against Wm. Bloice, of stealing two coils of rope, his property. On the 6th of March, from information received, he was induced to go to Mr. Pitt, of Rowhedge, where he discovered the ropes which had been stolen from his premises. Mr. Pitt, dealer in marine stores, stated that the prisoner came to him about one o’clock on the night of the 6th, with the rope. He wished him to buy it, and leaving it said the more it was rumpled the better, and he would bring some more shortly. Witness suspected it had been stolen, and did not buy it, but kept it until it was claimed.- Mr. Chamberlain’s servant stated he missed a similar quantity of ropes from his master’s, but could not swear to those produced.- Mr. Chamberlain identified them.- Bloice had been occasionally in his employ, and he supposed must have got into the premises at a window which he entered by means of a ladder. The prisoner in his defence said, he found them under the wall near Wivenhoe, and according to his view of the law, it could, under such circumstances, belong to no one but himself. Indeed, he said, that was the every day practice in that quarter.- The Bench took a different view of the case, and committed him for trial at the Sessions.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 17 October 1834 - “William Bloice, 48, seaman, was convicted of stealing two coils of rope, the property of John Green Chamberlain, at Wivenhoe. [We gave the particulars of this case when the prisoner was committed.]- Mr. Dowling conducted the prosecution, and the prisoner was defended by Mr. Wordsworth, who made an ineffectual attempt to shake the testimony of Bush, warehouseman to the prosecutor, and of Pitt, the marine store keeper at East Donyland, whose conduct in giving immediate information of the fact of the prisoner’s offering him the rope for sale at midnight, was entitled to great commendation. The prisoner absconded immediately after the transaction, and was absent several months. It was attempted to be shown that the prisoner, who was a mariner, was gone during that time upon a voyage, but there was no proof to that effect.- Mr. Cobbold, of Ipswich, was called by the prisoner’s counsel, but that gentleman was not forthcoming. Bloice had been occasionally employed by the prosecutor, and the Chairman observed, that had he been in Mr. Chamberlain’s service at the time he committed the offence, or had he been before convicted, he would have been transported - as it was he was sentenced to six months’ hard labour.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 31 October 1834 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday, Oct. 25 - ASSAULT - Geo. Abbott Ford, a young man from east Donyland, obtained warrants against John Brown and Henry Adams, of the same place, mariners, for an assault on 13th Oct. without provocation.”
The Chelmsford Chronicle of Friday 7 November 1834 adds that John Brown was “fined 40s or to be imprisoned two months at Springfield, to hard labour.” Adams not mentioned.
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 20 March 1835 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday, March 14. CASE OF SETTLEMENT - Mr. Verlander, overseer of East Donyland, applied for orders to remove Philip Scowen to the parish of St. Botolph, in this town. Philip Scowen stated that at Christmas 18[blank]9, he was hired by Mr. Basket, then keeper of the Three Cups Inn, at Oakley, as ostler, for 4l. per year; and on the 9th of May following, he removed with Mr. Basket from the Cups Inn, Oakley, to the Plough Inn, in the parish of St. Botolph, in which parish he stayed with him till Christmas, when he received his wages, and entered into a fresh agreement to stay another year, which he did with the exception of a fortnight, when he left from indisposition; he had since lived in the parish of East Donyland, but had not till lately received relief. The Bench granted orders for his removal.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 28 August 1835 - “MOOT HALL, COLCHESTER, Monday, Aug. 24 - Before the Worshipful the Mayor and Alderman Wm. Smith... John Went, of East Donyland, was charged by Thos. Day, of the same place, with assaulting him on Tuesday the 21st of July last. It was stated by complainant that in the afternoon of the 21st instant he was in company with a friend in the Plough public house, St. Giles’s. The defendant shortly afterwards came in, accompanied by his son, and after taking some refreshment told his son to go and put the pony into the cart, but owing to his not going immediately he (the defendant) began to horsewhip him unmercifully. Complainant requested him to desist, but he told complainant he would serve him the same, and then struck a violent blow, and pulled off his coat and wanted to fight, but complainant did not accept the challenge. Complainant and another person named Webb then went in the direction of Donyland, on their way home, when they saw the defendant coming. The latter told complainant that he came to give him a thrashing, and struck him two blows, which knocked him down, and the fall caused the fracture of his collar bone, which had kept him from work for a month. The Bench, after hearing a long statement from defendant, recommended the parties to settle the difference among themselves, which they did.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 25 December 1835 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE. Saturday, Dec. 19 - James Wright, labourer, of East Donyland, was charged by William Payne, bailiff to Philip Havens, Esq., with ferreting upon the lands of that gentleman, on the 10th inst.; he stated that, on the day mentioned, he saw the defendant place several nets on the ground, whilst his ferret was in the bank, when he went up to him, and afterwards gave him into the custody of the constable. Defendant said that he put the ferret into the bank by the side of the road. He was also convicted and fined 10s., and the expenses 7s.; which not being able to pay, he was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 5 February 1836 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday, Jan. 30 - A woman named Harvey, from East Donyland, complained against the overseer of that place for stopping the allowance of 1s. 6d. per week from the parish, for the maintenance of an illegitimate child, now three years old. The overseer stated that his reason for not continuing the customary allowance was that the complainant had married about a fortnight since, when the husband became bound to maintain it. The Bench considering that the overseer had sufficient grounds for not giving relief to the child, dismissed the complaint.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 20 May 1836 - “ESSEX ADJOURNED SESSION - The Adjourned Easter Quarter Session for this county, for the trial of prisoners only, commenced on Tuesday last.... John Byford, 33, mariner, and a respectable looking man, was convicted of stealing a quantity of pork and other articles from James Howard, at Manningtree, apparel from Wm. Jeffries [master of the Stour smack Success] and biscuit and flower from William Jennings [the mate of Success].... The prisoner made no defence, but Mr. Knox called Hannah Farrow, who lived at East Donyland, and had known prisoner three years. She had never heard anything against his character.. “ He got ten months’ hard labour and two in solitude.
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 17 March 1837 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE - Saturday, March 11 - A young married woman from East Donyland, named Harvey, complained that the father of her illegitimate child had withheld support for the last 14 months, she having been so long married.- The Chairman told her the Bench could not assist her; for the liability of the putative father ceased upon her marriage, and her husband was bound to maintain the child.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 12 May 1837 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, May 6. Before C.G. Round, Esq., Chairman, P. Havens, and G. Round, Esqrs. - A DEAR PIGEON - Mr. Thomas Mortimer, of the White Lion public-house, at East Donyland, was charged under the 7th and 8th Geo. IV. chap.29. with shooting a fancy pigeon called a “fantail,” the property of Joseph Wade, of the same place. It appeared from the statement of complainant and his witness Thomas Mills, that they saw the defendant shoot the pigeon upon his field; and in a short time after he took it up and put it into his pocket. The spot that the bird had alighted upon was planted with potatoes, so that no damage was sustained by defendant. Complainant said he had had the bird two years, and would not have taken 2s. 6d. for it. The defendant said he had sustained considerable damage in his crop of peas by the complainant’s pigeons, as they were constantly upon his field and plucking them up. He had frequently cautioned complainant, and told him he would shoot them, but his caution was of no use. The pigeon in question was plucking up his peas at the time that he shot it, which he did in protection of his property. The Chairman told him that it was an unlawful killing of the pigeon. His own statement was no evidence, that the bird was committing a damage upon his property, in the absence of other testimony to corroborate it. If he had been prepared with evidence to prove that was the case at the time that he shot it, the law would have been different upon the subject. The Court adjudged him to pay 2s. 6d., the value of the pigeon, 5s. forfeiture, and 12s. expenses. The defendant instantly paid the money. The complainant enquired of the Chairman whether he was not entitled to receive the value of the pigeon. The Chairman told him that the Court could not award him anything, as he had given evidence himself in the matter. By the 66th section of the Act, he would have been entitled to both the forfeiture and the value of the bird, if his case had rested solely upon the testimony of his witness. The complainant then left the Court evidently disappointed.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 19 May 1837 - Colchester - “At the Moot Hall yesterday.... Thomas Powell, of East Donyland, was committed for trial at the Borough Session, for assaulting Harvey, one of the Serjeant’s-at-Mace,- John Powell, his brother, was fined £5, and in default of payment committed for a month, for inciting him to commit the assault.- Wm. Barnard, of East Donyland, was locked up in default of finding bail to keep the peace for 12 months, for a riot at Old Heath, where he fought for a prize, on Tuesday.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 19 September 1837 – “GAME LIST – COUNTY OF ESSEX. PERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES for the Year 1837. List 1.- General Certificates, at £3. 13s. 6d. each. [including] Pettitt, Barnabas, Donyland and Mortimer, Henry, East Donyland.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 23 February 1838 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, Feb. 10. INFORMATIONS AGAINST PUBLICANS - Several respectable inhabitants of Wivenhoe and Donyland, having made repeated complaints to the Bench, that the publicans in those parishes (although frequently cautioned), made it an inevitable practice to keep their houses open during divine service on Sundays. William Reeves, the constable, was directed by the Bench to ascertain whether such was the case.... Thomas Mortimer, of the White Lion, East Donyland, was also convicted, and sentenced to pay 20s. and costs,- He paid the money. Robert Pitt, of the Ship, East Donyland, was convicted , and ordered to pay 10s. and costs. The penalty was mitigated in consequence of defendant having kept his house ten years, and never had any charge preferred against him before.”
[Wivenhoe convictions: John Chamberlain of the Ship-at-Launch, Samuel Wade, The Greyhound; William Abbott, The Flag; Edward Schofield, The Horse and Groom]
THE ESSEX HERALD – Tuesday 26 February 1839 – “MOOT HALL, Feb. 23.- Present T.L. Ewen, Esq., Chairman; G. Savill, P. Havens, J. Bawtree, J.T. Turner, Esqrs.- The Overseers of East Donyland presented their poor rate for the signature of the Bench, but it being discovered that there was £25 arrears for the old rate, the Magistrates refused to sign it till all the defaulters had been summoned.- Sarah Wordley was charged with assaulting Eliza Cranfield, at East Donyland, and breaking three squares of glass. The charge of assault was dismissed, and defendant paid the damage to the window and costs.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 18 October 1839 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday Oct. 12th. - A mariner name Henry Babbs, and a woman named Brown, from East Donyland were summoned by the overseers for the amount of 2s. 6d each, due for poor’s rates, and both were ordered to pay the sum demanded, together with 2s. 6d costs.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 1 November 1839 - “At the sitting of the County Magistrates at Colchester Castle, on Saturday last, William Cranfield and Henry Simons, two mariners, from East Donyland, were charged by a man named Babbs, also a mariner, with assaulting him on the previous Saturday evening, at the Three Crowns Inn, in the above place. By the statement of the prosecutor it appeared that he certainly had been most shamefully assaulted by the defendants; and as one tale generally is good until the other is told, so it proved in this case. In defence it was stated that prosecutor had first assaulted Simons’s father, when the son interfered to protect him; and with respect to the other defendant, it appeared that prosecutor was the aggressor. The evidence throughout was very conflicting and the Bench dismissed the case by ordering prosecutor to defray the expenses, 11s., which he protested he would not do; but we believe his friends persuaded him to act the wiser part.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 18 September 1840 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, Sept. 12 - An elderly man named John Johnson, a master blacksmith, with some property, residing at East Donyland, appeared before the Bench, at the instance of John Sebborn Gonner, relieving officer, to answer a charge of neglecting to support his wife, who is upwards of 80 years of age, and leaving her chargeable to that parish.- The Bench decided that he should allow his wife 2s. 6d. per week for the future, provided she persisted in refusing to be placed under his roof again.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 9 October 1840 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, October 3.- Henry Hans, a young man, who was suddenly seized with an aberration of the mind on Friday last, was ordered to be detained, having beat his wife most unmercifully, at the Rose and Crown public house, East Donyland, on Friday evening, where they had lodged some time.”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 27 November 1840 - “COLCHESTER - FIRE.- On the 19th inst. a fire broke out in one of the kilns at the large malting at East Donyland. On investigation, it turned out, that the malt upon the kiln took fire, which was all consumed, together with the roof of the kiln. The damage is estimated at about £70. The fire was prevented from communicating with the other part of the malting in consequence of there being iron doors throughout.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 22 January 1841 - “LOCAL CONSTABLES - At a Petty session held at the Colchester castle, on Saturday the 16th instant, the following persons were sworn in as local constables for the Colchester division, under the 3rd and 4th Vic., ch.88, sec.16, from the returns made by capt.. McHardy, chief constable.- East Donyland, Philip Scowen...”
THE CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE - 7 May 1841 - “COLCHESTER - CASTLE, Saturday, May 1.- BEER-SHOP CONVICTION - Philip Parker, a beer-house-keeper, of East Donyland, appeared to an information at the instance of Mr. T. Johnson, Superintendent of the Essex Constabulary Force, charging him with keeping his house open after ten o’clock in the evening on the 21st ult. for the sale of beer, contrary to the statute.- William Smith, No.2 of the rural police, stated that he went to defendant’s house at half-past ten o’clock of the evening in question, and saw three persons therein smoking and drinking. There was a mug upon the table with porter in it, and one of the party took it up and drank out of it in his (witness’s) presence. Defendant was smoking and drank part of the porter also.- Defendant admitted to the Bench, that what the witness had stated was quite true. He drew the porter at about ten minutes past ten o’clock, and did not think of the consequence at the time, as they were busy in conversation. He would take care that the offence should not be repeated at his house. He was not aware at the time that he was doing wrong.- The Chairman told him he ought not to plead ignorance of the rules laid down for the government of beer-houses, as his licence specified that he must close his house at ten o’clock at night. The Bench had enquired into the character of his house, and found that it was generally well conducted, which weighed considerably in his favour; and as the information was not laid by the excise, the Bench had power to inflict a mitigated penalty. The case being so clear from the evidence, and his (defendant’s) own confession, the Court were bound to convict, but they would inflict only a nominal penalty of 5s. and expenses 15.- Defendant thanked the Court, and paid the money.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 23 July 1841 - “THE NISI PRIUS COURT - [Presumably on Tuesday 20th] - Before Mr. Serjeant Taddy - OSBORNE v. WADE - Mr. Thesiger, who was counsel for defendant in this case, first addressed the Jury, and stated that it was as action on a promissory note for the sum of £51. 10, which defendant alleged had been satisfied.
The learned gentleman called the following witnesses:-
Mr. Sainty, son-in-law of defendant, who was a coal merchant at Wivenhoe, examined. Plaintiff was a brewer at Colchester. In 1835 witness took a public-house of plaintiff, at East Donyland - the White Lion. The fixtures were valued to him at £51. 10, for which he gave his note to plaintiff. His father-in-law joined in the note. [The note was here read. It was dated 22nd Sept. 1835, and purported to be of the sum of £51. 10.] Mr. Garrard was the valuer, to whom witness delivered the note. Plaintiff gave him the bill of parcels. Witness went in the house six months; he put in a beer machine, and was furnished with beer by Mr. Osborne. [He looked at an account.] He received that from Mr. Osborne’s clerk about eight months after he left the house. He was succeeded in the White Lion by Mr. Coxsedge. The payment of £51. 10 was to be deducted out of the money paid to him by Mr. Coxsedge on coming in; he did not know whether that was mentioned to Mr. Coxsedge. When witness went out, the fixtures were valued at between £65 and £70; one month’s rent was added to it. The money was paid by Mr. Coxsedge to Mr. Garrard, and witness directed the sum of £51. 10 to be applied to the account of the note, and the rest to go to his account. A week after that, witness called on Mr. Osborne for the note, but could not get it, as there were various excuses - sometimes Mr. Garrard was not there, and sometimes Mr. Osborne was absent. Mr. Osborne said he left it in Mr. Garrard’s hands. There was about £6 or £7 due to Mr. Osborne on the general account.- Cross-examined by Mr. Chambers. He directed Mr. Garrard to apply £51. 10 to the payment of the note. He looked at a letter now produced. It was his writing; he knew in 1838 that that was in Mr. Osborne’s possession; in that year he promised to pay him the balance. In 1838 he saw Mr. Osborne on the subject of the note; but did not promise to pay him the amount of the note, but the balance. He was to deduct for a new room which he had built, and the balance was between £6 and £7. The room came to about £13 or £14. Mr. Osborne demanded payment of the note, but witness objected to it. He had demanded it once before. Witness did not admit that he owed any part of the note; he did not then demand the note to be given up. The letter he had looked at was signed, but not written by him. When witness gave the direction to Mr. Garrard, his father and brother-in-law were present. Mr. Smith and Mr. Coxsedge were in and out the whole afternoon.
Mr. H. Coxsedge succeeded Sainty in the house; he paid pretty well £70 for fixtures; there was a new machine. While the valuation was going on he did not see Mr. Osborne. Mr. Garrard manages Mr. Osborne’s business. Witness went out in five or six months; he paid the money to Mr. Garrard.- Cross-examined. Mr. Wade was present; he had no doubt he had a receipt, but had it not now; he heard no direction as to what Mr. Garrard was to do with the money. The letter signed by Sainty was put in and read; it was from Mr. Osborne to Mr. Sainty, stating that he had expected him to call on him and do what he had promised; and if he did not by Monday morning he might expect to be arrested. The letter was dated 12th May, 1838.- Again examined. He did not admit the accuracy of the whole account.
Mr. Garrard (called by Mr. Chambers) acted for Mr. Osborne as appraiser and manager of his business. He appraised Sainty out when Coxsedge went in; the amount to be paid was £70. 17, which was paid over to witness by Coxsedge. It was not true that Sainty directed the payment of part of it for the note of £51. 10; and witness gave no direction of that sort when he paid the money to Mr. Osborne.- Cross-examined. The value of the fixtures was increased between the time of Sainty going in and Coxsedge going out. He did not recollect whether he dined on that occasion with Mr. Wade and Mr. Sainty, but he took some refreshment. He did not remember Mr. Wade saying that now he was released from all responsibility for Sainty on account of the fixtures. He would not swear that Mr. Wade did not say so; he did not say, “Mr. Wade, you are now all clear.” Mr. Wade did not say he should like to have something to show for it, and should like to have the note; he did not say that Mr. Wade should have it in a day or two.- Re-examined. Witness had no recollection of hearing Mr. Wade’s first observation. Wade was joint security with Sainty in the agreement. There was money due to Sainty for goods, for which Wade was not liable. Mr. Wade was security for goods. Witness looked at a paper, but it not being stamped it could not be received. Witness did not know what Sainty owed for goods at the time. Mr. Osborne was a porter merchant, and vinegar manufacturer; witness had nothing to do with his books.
John Smith was present when Coxsedge paid the money to Garrard. At that time he did not hear Sainty give directions what to do with the money.
Sainty was again called by Mr. Thesiger to contradict Mr. Garrard. He said he was present st the dinner at Donyland. Mr. Wade said to Garrard that he supposed he was all clear of the debt he was answerable for on Sainty’s account for the fixtures. Garrard said he was. Wade asked for the note. Garrard promised he should have it on the Saturday following.- Cross-examined by Mr. Chambers. Witness again looked at the account. All the goods charged there might have been supplied; he did not know; he never had the opportunity of objecting to the account. He had paid more than he had credit for there; there was about £10 more, besides the room; he paid it by instalments. Again examined by Mr. Thesiger: He always considered he owed Mr. Osborne about £7 or £8.- Mr. Shadrach Wade (called by Mr. Thesiger) was at the dinner, and heard his father tell Mr. Garrard he supposed he was clear of the responsibility for the fixtures. Mr. Garrard said he was all clear. His father said he was glad of it, and wished to have something to show for it. He asked for the note, and Garrard said he should have it in a day or two.- Cross-examined. This was at East Donyland. Mr. Garrard, Coxsedge, Sainty, and Mr. Wade were present.- Re-examined. Coxsedge was not there the whole time, but was in and out.
Mr. Thesiger told the Jury he was counsel for defendant, and his learned friend having proved the execution of the note by defendant, he (Mr. T.) had proved that it had been satisfied by payment of £70. 17. to Mr. Garrard, agent to plaintiff. His case was this:- That at the time of the payment, or before, it had been agreed between Mr. Garrard and Mr. Sainty that the £70. 17. should be applied in satisfaction of the note; the money over £51. 10. to be carried to Sainty’s general account. When a person was indebted in several accounts to one person, and he paid a sum of money, he had a right to direct to have it applied to any account he pleased, if he desired it at the time of payment. If he did not so appropriate the money, then the creditor had a right to apply it as he pleased; and if neither did so, the law stepped in and applied it generally to the earliest part of the accounts, unless in the case of principal and surety. The learned gentleman then went through the evidence, and contended that his client was entitled to a verdict.
Mr. Chambers replied for plaintiff at considerable length.
Mr. Garrard again called by his Lordship, stated that Sainty at the time owed £60 on his general account, besides some rent.
His Lordship, in summing up, said that the only question for the Jury to decide was, whether at the meeting at Donyland the £70. 17. was paid to Garrard with an agreement that £51. 10. of it should be paid to satisfy the note; and if it were so, Mr. Wade was released from his responsibility. There was conflicting evidence, and the Jury must decide between them.
The Jury, with scarcely any hesitation, returned a verdict for defendant.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 20 August 1841 - “MOOT HALL, COLCHESTER. Thursday, August 19. Before the Mayor and G. Savill, Esq. PLANK STEALING.- Robert Turff, a mariner from Rowhedge, who has hitherto borne a respectable character, was placed at the bar, charged with stealing two deal planks, the property of the Channel Commissioners. Mr. Goody appeared to support the charge against the prisoner; and J.H. Church, Esq. defended the prisoner. Mr. Goody stated to the Bench that the commissioners have for a considerable time employed a number of workmen between New Quay and the Hythe, in the improvement of the channel at that part, and had at various times lost working implements and materials; and about a month ago two large deal planks were missing from the bank of the river. From information Mr. John Baker (the superintendent under Mr. Parkins, the surveyor of the channel) received. he had reason to believe that the planks in question were in the possession of the prisoner at Rowhedge. A search warrant was consequently obtained, and the planks in question, and which would be produced in Court, were found by the police, secreted in a yard belonging to the prisoner, as they were found under some empty casks. When taken away, the planks bore the brand of the commissioners, which had evidently been cut out when found in the possession of the prisoner. On the planks being discovered, Mr. Baker asked the prisoner how he came in possession of them? and he answered that he picked them up in the channel near the Ford-way at Wivenhoe, as they were floating. Mr. Baker then asked him why he did not report them to him after he had picked them up? and prisoner said he was not aware Mr. Baker had any business with them. Mr. Baker then asked him why the marks had been cut out? and he said they were just as they were when he found them. The deals had been marked in three places, and part of one mark was still visible on being produced in Court.
John Page, the lock keeper at the Hythe, proved that he branded the deals produced, with others, with the mark of the commissioners. He was confident the deals produced were part of those marked by him.
Mr. Church, on behalf of the prisoner, called a man named George Limmer, who stated that he had seen the planks produced on the Quay at Rowhedge, near the Ferry, and had used them several times; any one was at liberty to use them. On being cross examined the witness admitted that he had been very fortunate in finding property by the river side; and confessed that he was fortunate enough in one instance to find a crate of earthenware on the Quay at the Hythe, but was unfortunate enough to be tried and convicted of stealing part of the contents of the crate!
The Mayor told the prisoner the Court were extremely sorry to see a person of his hitherto respectability placed in such a position. There was no doubt that the deals found in his possession were the property of the commissioners; and as he had failed to give a satisfactory account as to his possession of them, the Magistrates were bound to commit him for trial at the next Borough Sessions, for stealing them. He was accordingly committed; but from his previous good character, the Court would have no objection to admit him to bail, to appear to answer the charge at the Sessions, himself in £40, and two respectable sureties in £20 each.- Prisoner being prepared with the required sureties, they were accepted, and he was liberated.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 24 September 1841 - “COLCHESTER MICHAELMAS SESSION - This session was held this day (Friday), before the learned Recorder, C.G. Round, Esq., M.P. There were only five prisoners for trial.... Robert Turff, a mariner of respectability from East Donyland, was indicted for stealing two fir planks, the property of the Channel Commissioners.- Mr. Philbrick, stated the case for the prosecution, and Mr. Church defended the prisoner. The case excited great interest. John Baker stated, that on the 3rd of August, the planks were missed from between the Lock and the New Quay, at the Hythe. They were hauled up of a night beyond high water-mark. He had information that they were upon prisoner’s premises, and he obtained a search warrant; he went with the police to prisoner’s house, and they found the planks in prisoner’s yard. Prisoner said he picked them up in the River. The brands upon the planks had been planed out. They were laid under prisoner’s window, under some planks.- Cross-examined by Mr. Church.- There are many other planks by the side of the river. He was told by one of the men, that the planks were missing. The planks were used for clearing the river from mud. They sometimes were laid where the tide came. Had seen them safe four days and missed them. Have seen planks float about the river, but not frequently. Prisoner’s garden is near the river. Could see over the pales of prisoner’s yard, where the deals lay.- Re-examined.- It is not the practice for persons, when they find planks upon the river, to place them upon their own premises.- John Page the keeper of the Lock, at the Hythe, branded a number of fir planks for the commissioners. He recollected the planks being missed.- Cross-examined.- Prisoner is in the habit of coming to the Hythe on business. Knew nothing against his character.- Samuel Blyth, one of the serjeants-at-mace, produced the planks, &c. found upon prisoner’s premises; he saw prisoner after he found the planks, but heard him say nothing about them.- Witness Page identified the deals as part of those he branded. There was a part of one brand still visible. The brands at both ends had been cut off.- Witness Baker also identified the deals as those missed from the quay. This was the case for the prosecution; and Mr. Church having addressed the jury for the prisoner, he called - John Barnard, who said he saw the planks in question upon the quay at East Donyland used by other people several times. He believes one of the planks produced to be the same. He was on the quay when prisoner’s house was searched. Had seen the planks upon the quay for nine or ten days. Had frequently seen planks floating upon the river. Had known prisoner thirty years, never heard anything against his character.- Cross-examined; saw the planks on the 22nd or 23rd of July. Did not know whose property they were,- his own men were using them.- Recorder - It was very improper for you to allow your men to use other people’s property.- By Mr. Philbrick.- Could only speak to one of the planks.- By the Recorder - When I saw the police taking the planks, I said nothing to them.- Charles Syggamore (sic) saw the planks lying upon the quay a fortnight before prisoner was apprehended. He saw them many times, and saw Mr. Barnard’s men using them. He saw that they had been cut on the side. He saw them after in prisoner’s yard;- was present when they were found.- Had no doubt that the plank that had been produced was one of them. He spoke to prisoner about the planks lying on the quay, who told him that if they were not soon owned he would take them into his yard. Witness saw the planks in prisoner’s yard three or four days before they were covered by the casks.- Cross-examined. When he had conversation with prisoner about the planks, they were covered with chalk. Prisoner told him he found them in the middle of the stream, near “Firmin’s Hard.” Saw the police take the deals, but said nothing to them.- James Wasp gave prisoner a good character.- James Fenning, town-crier of Colchester, saw prisoner on the 29th of July, who told him he wanted to see Mr. Sparling’s clerk, as he wanted to tell him about some wood he had picked up. He did not say what wood it was.- John Hooper, of the Cross Keys, gave prisoner a good character; other witnesses also spoke to the good character of prisoner.- Mr. Philbrick replied: the Recorder summed up, and the jury after considerable deliberation, returned a verdict of “NOY Guilty.”- The Recorder told prisoner, that although he was acquitted, it was to be hoped that the prosecution would act as a caution to him and others, not to allow even suspicion to be cast upon them.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 22 October 1841 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE. Saturday, October 16.- CHARGE OF ASSAULT.- Mr. George Levett, mariner, preferred a charge against Robert Pitt, victualler, and Joseph Mills, mariner, of having committed an assault upon him. All the parties reside at Rowhedge, and it appeared that some misunderstanding had occurred between the complainant and the defendant Pitt, which led to the assault complained of. The Chairman advised the parties to settle the matter without the interference of the Bench. They then left the court, and on their reappearance it was announced that an arrangement had been effected - the defendants rather reluctantly agreeing to pay the expenses.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - 19 November 1841 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE. Saturday, November 13,- A LARK.- Charles Sycamore, a dealer in fish, appeared to answer a charge of assault preferred by Mrs. Susannah Mortimer, landlady of the White Lion, at Rowhedge. Mrs. Mortimer complained that on Tuesday evening, the 9th inst., she had company in the parlour, and was going in for orders, when the defendant put a lighted “serpent” in her face, and burnt her severely. Sycamore, in defence, said that while in the Lion a person gave him the squib for the purpose of frightening the complainant, and he had just lighted it and was going towards the door when she came into the room. He afterwards went to beg her pardon, but she threatened to break his head with the poker.- The Chairman said the Bench were far from sanctioning the conduct of the defendant, but they thought it ought to have been settled without the authority of the Bench. The defendant was then discharged on paying the costs, 8s.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 16 September 1842 - “NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING - Mr. G. Clare and Mr. B. Finch, of this town, had a very narrow escape from drowning on Wednesday evening last. They were returning from Mersea in a pony-gig, and, wishing to call at Wivenhoe, they proceeded to the Ford at Donyland, and being ignorant of the depth of the water, they drove in, when (it being nearly high tide) the pony soon lost its footing, upon which Mr. Finch jumped from the gig for the purpose of assisting the pony to regain the shore, but the animal at the same moment plunging violently threw him several yards further into the river, and had not Jones, the ferryman, with others, put off in their boats to his assistance he must inevitably have been drowned. His companion (Mr. Clare) was also immersed in the water from the sinking of the gig, but was quickly picked up by one of the boats. Some time elapsed before the pony and gig could be got out of the river, and the former, which was a very valuable animal, the property of Mr. Callaby, of North Hill, was consequently suffocated.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 25 November 1842 - “CRUELTY TO ANIMALS - At the Moot Hall, on Thursday last, P. Havens, Esq., made a complaint to the Bench, of the frequent instances of cruelty to the cattle exhibited in the market on Saturdays, by the men having charge of them and others; when the Mayor gave directions to Mr. Kent, the Superintendent of Police, to place some of his men on duty in the High Street, with orders to take up any persons so offending.- Mr. Wittey remarked that it was time the matter should be taken up, as the cattle were frequently very cruelly treated, and the blows often urged them upon the foot-pavement, to the great annoyance of passengers.- At the same sitting Mr. W. Sach, farmer, of Great Tey, obtained a summons against Joseph Everitt, butcher, of East Donyland, for having on the 12th inst., by furious and negligent driving, caused the death of a mare, the property of complainant. It appeared that in the evening of the above day complainant was returning home from Colchester on the mare, and when near the first mile-stone on the Lexden Road, met the defendant in his cart, driving at so furious a rate that complainant was unable to avoid a collision, and the shaft of defendant’s cart was driven completely through the body of the mare, of which injury she soon afterwards died, in the greatest agony.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 1 September 1843 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, August 26.- Mr. Isaac Sycamore, of East Donyland, appealed against a charge of 14s. for a dog. He stated that the dog was a bull terrier, but he used it solely for a yard dog.- The Chairman jocularly observed that a bull dog was not liable to sporting duty, but a terrier was; therefore only half the dog was liable to the duty.- Appellant said the dog was never used for sporting purposes.- Relieved to 8s.
Mr. Pitt, of the same place, made a similar appeal, and was also relieved.
There were one or two other cases, but they possessed no point of interest.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 15 September 1843 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, September 9.- ROBBERY IN A DWELLING - An itinerant vendor of Lucifer matches, who gave his name as Frederick Eley, and Elizabeth Fowler, a woman with whom he had been cohabiting, were placed at the bar upon a charge of stealing a pair of boots, the property of Mr. Charles Sycamore, a fish-dealer, at East Donyland.- It appeared that on Tuesday last the prosecutor’s wife, having occasion to go to a shop in the village, left the door of her house unfastened, and on her return, after an absence of a few minutes, she met the prisoner coming in the direction from the house, but had no suspicion of him at the time; subsequently, however, a pair of boots were missed from the house, and as the prosecutor suspected the prisoners were the thieves he gave information of the robbery to the police at Colchester. On Friday the female prisoner offered to pledge the boots at Mr. Bedwell’s, when Policeman Cowell was sent for and took her into custody, and subsequently apprehended the other prisoner.- A woman who lodged in the same house with the prisoners proved that she had seen the shoes in the possession of Eley.- They were both fully committed for trial.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 29 September 1843 - “ ROBBERY IN A DWELLING - On Sunday last the cottage of John Cudmore, a labourer, at East Donyland, was entered during his absence from home, and upwards of £8, the fruits of his industrious labour, stolen. Two men, named John Read and William Williams, who had been seen lurking about the neighbourhood, were apprehended on the following day at Wigborough, by policeman Hyatt. They were examined before G.H. Errington, Esq., at Colchester, the same day, but the evidence adduced was not sufficient to convict them upon the charge. However, as they failed to give a satisfactory account of their means of subsistence, they were committed to hard labour in the County House of Correction for fourteen days, which will allow time for a further investigation of the case.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 27 October 1843 - “ESSEX QUARTER SESSION - CRIMINAL COURT - [no date] - Frederick Eley, 27, labourer, and Elizabeth Fowler, 34, wife of Joseph, were indicted for stealing a pair of boots, belonging to Charles Sycamore, at East Donyland. Eley, Guilty.- Three months’ hard labour at Ilford.- Fowler, Not Guilty.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 11 November 1843 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 14th, at Donyland Heath.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 9 March 1844 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, March the 12th, at Donyland.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 24 May 1844 - “CONVICTION OF A PUBLICAN - At Colchester Castle, on Saturday last, Robert Pitt, landlord of the Ship public-house, at East Donyland, was summoned for keeping his house open during Divine service on Sunday, the 5th inst. About half-past twelve o’clock on the day in question John Smith, a policeman, went to defendant’s house, and found an old man, named [this is Henry] Powell, sitting in the house, and two others came in while he was there.- The defence offered by Mr. Goody, who appeared for the defendant, was that Mr. Powell, who was of a very advanced age, was formerly landlord of the house, and now spent the greater part of his time there. He was sitting in the defendant’s private room, and was not drinking; and therefore he apprehended that his being there under such circumstances was not a breach of the statute. With regard to the other persons, he should be able to prove that they were travellers.- The Bench decided that it was illegal for the defendant to have the old man in the house at the time; but in consideration of the general good character of the house mitigated the penalty to 5s., with 9s. expenses.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 14 June 1844 - “CAPTURE OF A PIGEON STEALER BY A POLICEMAN - About one o’clock this morning (Friday), a policeman John Smith, was going his rounds in the parish of East Donyland, he met a man named John Denny, with a bulky frail basket under his arm, and suspecting that all was not right, he insisted upon examining its contents. The prisoner, who is a very powerful fellow, refused; upon which the policeman closed with him and after a desperate struggle succeeded in hand-cuffing him, and conveying him to a place of security. Upon examining the basket he found a number of pigeons, which he afterwards ascertained to have been stolen from Joseph Ratford, a labourer and pigeon fancier, living at Fingringhoe; and in the course of the day the prisoner was fully committed for trial upon the charge.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 18 June 1844 – “BETTS’S PATENT BRANDY, thus preferred by the Medical Profession, and protected from spurious substitution, may be obtained from the undermentioned WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS, at 3s. 6d. PER BOTTLE, bottles included; a charge for testing its superiority within the expenditure of every consumer.” List includes….
Fingringhoe, Wm. King, Whalebone
Rowhedge, Thos. Mortimer, White Lion
Wivenhoe, David Durrell, Rose and Crown
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 26 July 1844 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, July 20.- Chas. Sycamore, of East Donyland, a quarrelsome fellow, who has repeatedly figured at this Bench upon similar charges, was summoned for assaulting Eliza Birch, a married woman, at East Donyland. In this instance, however, he escaped conviction, as the complainant admitted that she had previously made use of exciting language to him.- He was then charged by Policeman John Smith with being drunk and fighting at the same place on the Friday evening previous; and a young mariner, named Elisha Walford, the other combatant (who stated that he merely stood up in his own defence), preferred a charge of assault against him.- He was convicted on both charges, and the Bench fined him 5s. for the assault, 5s. for being drunk, and 20s. expenses; the Chairman at the same time telling him that if again brought up they should inflict a much heavier penalty.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 5 November 1844 – “THE EAST ESSEX HOUNDS.- This pack met at Donyland Wood on Tuesday last, when a fox was soon found, but after a short run took to earth.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 22 November 1844 - “THE CHASE - THE ESSEX AND SUFFOLK FOX-HOUNDS meet on .... Friday, 29th, at Donyland. Each day at half-past Ten o’clock.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 19 April 1845 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday next, at Donyland, at half-past 10.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 13 May 1845 – “COLCHESTER CASTLE, May 10.- Philip Parker, beer-shop keeper, three earthen quarts, and one pewter ditto deficient.- Mr. Brown stated that the pewter mug was also unstamped, for which a separate penalty might be enforced; but he did not wish to press that charge.- Fined 10s. and expenses 9s.; mugs forfeited. [ALSO] Wm. Cheek, of East Donyland, publican, two earthen quarts deficient.- Mr. Brown was clearly of opinion that this was an act of mere carelessness and not design on the part of defendant, as there were dozens of other mugs in the house, all of which were perfect. Under these circumstances a mitigated fine of 5s. and expenses 9s. were inflicted.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 23 July 1845 – “At the Castle, on Saturday (20th)…. Zachariah Sycamore, of East Donyland, dealer in fish, was charged with assaulting a married woman, named Eliza Burch, at East Donyland; but after a great deal of contending fire between the parties, showing that a reciprocity of feeling existed between them the bench dismissed the case.- Defendant was about to march off in triumph, when Superintendent Brown, of the constabulary force, made a complaint against him for an assault upon policeman Smith. Of this he was convicted, and fined 10s. and 20s. expenses, which he paid.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 12 August 1845 – “ASSAULT – At the Castle, on Saturday, before T.L. Ewen and G. Savill, Esqrs. two mariners, from Rowhedge, named Henry Cook and Henry Crickmore, were charged with an assault upon Abraham Wordley, a mariner of the same place. The assault took place in the street, on Sunday, the 3rd inst. during Divine service. Cook, by his solicitor, Mr. Goody, pleaded guilty, and Crickmore denied the assault, and stated that if a week was allowed him he could prove that fact, and that the complainant committed an assault upon him. The case was adjourned for a week against him, and Cook was fined 2s. 6d. and expenses 9s. which he paid.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 16 September 1845 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE – Saturday, Sept. 13. CAUTION TO PUBLICANS.- It being an adjourned sitting of the bench for granting the annual licenses to publicans of the district, the few who had not obtained their licenses at the annual sitting, applied and had their licenses renewed. Among the applicants were Robert Pitt, of the Ship, and Thomas Mortimer, of the White Lion, of East Donyland, who were reproved for allowing their houses to be open during the hours of divine service on a Sunday forenoon, a fact that had been communicated to the bench through the police. In excuse they stated, that there being no service performed at their parish church on the Sunday afternoon, they were not aware they were acting illegally. The Chairman advised them to be more careful in the future; for although no service was performed in the forenoon in their parish, the law made no distinction in that respect, but on the other hand held it imperative upon them to close their houses during the usual hours of divine service, as in other parishes; and in neglecting to do so they subjected themselves to penalties.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 24 January 1846 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Friday the 30th instant, at Donyland, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 14 February 1846 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Friday, the 20th, at Donyland, at half-past Ten o’clock.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 11 September 1846 - “COLCHESTER CASTLE, Saturday, Sept.5.- PUBLIC-HOUSE LICENSING DAY. APPLICATIONS FOR NEW LICENSES - Mr. Goody, solicitor, applied for a general license for a house in East Donyland, hitherto kept as a beer shop, by William Parker. It was situated he said at the junction of four roads, leading to Colchester, Fingringhoe, Rowhedge, and Berechurch, and had been found so convenient to the parties using those roads, that the owner, Mr. T. Daniell, had erected a more commodious house, and now applied to the Bench, through his tenant, that they would be pleased to license it. He was aware that a memorial from the parishioners had been presented against it; but even this, while it spoke of the demoralizing effect of public-house, commended the conduct of Mr. Parker in his business. With regard to the first statement too, as the Bench could not prevent its remaining as a beer shop, he could not see what objection there was to giving it a general license, which would in fact tend to raise its character, as respectable persons did not like to visit a beer shop.
Mr. Smythies considered there never was a house less wanted, or one which, if licensed, would be more convenient for the fishermen’s apprentices to get out of their masters’ sight.
The Chairman said he believed there was but one opinion among the Bench as regarded the general principle of converting beer shops into public-houses; and some very special grounds indeed must be shown to induce them to grant their sanction. The signatures to the petition in favour of the house would bear no comparison with those against it, and therefore the Bench must decline granting the application.”
ESSEX HERALD – 8 September 1846 – Added… “Mr. Smythies strongly objected [to the granting of a general licence] on the ground that the applicant’s house was situated at the corner of Donyland wood, having no house near it, and he knew it to be the resort of very idle characters.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 14 November 1846 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 17th, at Donyland, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 9 January 1847 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 12th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 16 January 1847 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past 10.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 23 January 1847 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 16th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 2 July 1847 - “CROWN COURT - Wednesday, June 30.- Before N.C. Barnardiston, Esq. The trials of the prisoners, of whom there were 35, was commenced at 10 o’clock this morning. J.M. Leake, Esq., at the conclusion of the appeal business, proceeded with criminal cases in the Nisi Prius Court, the several trials resulted as follows:- [inc] Henry Gowlitt, 20, labourer, was convicted of stealing a smock-frock and a sack, the property of John Cudmore, at East Donyland.- Upon proof of a former conviction being given, the prisoner was sentenced to 7 years’ transportation.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 3 August 1847 – ESSEX ELECTION – East Donyland was in the polling district “Colchester No.4.” with Dedham, Elmstead, Fingringhoe, Fordham, Frating, Great Horkesley, Little Horkesley, Langham, Langenhoe, Lawford, Layer Bretton, Layer-de-la-Haye, Layer Marney, Great Wigborough, Little Wigborough.
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 1 January 1848 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 21 January 1848 - “COLCHESTER SMALL DEBTS’ COURT, Monday, January 17.- DEFECTIVE SERVICE - William Madder and others, Wivenhoe, v. James Harris, East Donyland.- Mr. Abell for plaintiff; Mr. E. Church for defendant.- The latter objected that the summons had not reached him in proper time. The Clerk said it was issued on the last day to oblige Mr. Abell, and the bailiff’s return stated that the service was made.- Dennis, the under-bailiff, said he had no description of the party, and the only residence given was Wivenhoe; he could not find any such person there, but heard there was at Donyland, where he found a shipwright, who said he had a brother and a nephew of that name; he (the bailiff) did not know which, and accordingly left it for the man’s brother, but it appeared it was for the nephew.- Defendant said he was at sea at the time, and did not know anything of it till last Saturday, when his wife told him his father had got a summons for him.- The Judge said the service was certainly imperfect, but it was no fault of the bailiff’s, who was not bound to have gone any where but to Wivenhoe. In future he should direct that no summons should be issued later than 48 hours before the expiration of the time of service; and in order that the present defendant might be secured for the next Court, Mr. Abell might either serve him with a summons at once, or give him notice that there would be one.- The latter course was adopted.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 12 February 1848 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past 10 o’clock.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 17 March 1848 - “LEXDEN & WINSTREE UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &C. Persons willing to Contract for the supply of BREAD, made of good Seconds Flour, not having been baked less than 12 hours, well kneaded, and in loaves of 4lbs. each, for the parishes of East Mersea, West Mersea, Langenhoe, Fingringhoe, and East Donyland; and of good OX BEEF (entirely free from bone), MUTTON, and SUET, for the Workhouse of this Union; and for the supply of good substantial ELM COFFINS, consisting of two sizes, namely, for paupers under the age of 12, and for paupers above that age, and for conducting the funerals of the Poor, for the parishes of Wivenhoe and Brightlingsea, are requested to deliver in sealed Tenders at the Union Workhouse , at Stanway, at or before the hour of Ten o’clock in the morning of WEDNESDAY, the 22nd of March instant.
The Tender for Coffins to be for 12 Months, and for the other Articles for Three Months, from the 22nd instant.
W. HOWARD, Clerk to the Board.
Colchester, 15th March, 1848.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 26 May 1848 - “COLCHESTER SMALL DEBTS COURT. Monday, May 22.- William Sebborn v. Joseph Cole, East Donyland.- Action for 10s. 4d. for bread supplied to the late Susan Cole, mother of defendant, who was sued as her executor.- Defendant denied being executor; his mother had disposed of almost everything before her death; he only sold a box and bedstead for eleven shillings, and she had no other effects.- The Judge said he had made himself executor by touching the property; poor people did not have wills and letters of administration, as in the higher ranks. He should, therefore, give judgment for the debt and costs against the assets of the deceased; if there were no assets the plaintiff could not recover his debt; but defendant would have to pay the costs, as he had come forward to deny being executor, although he had disposed of the deceased’s goods.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 30 June 1848 -“COLCHESTER COUNTY COURT. Monday, June 26th. Before William Gurdon, Esq., M.A. Judge. THE ROWHEDGE FISH CASE - Sycamore v. Harris.- In this case, in which an action was brought for the value of a quantity of fish-manure, thrown by the defendant and others into the river Colne, at Rowhedge, in consequence of their putridity and offensiveness. Mr. W.R. Havens, for the plaintiff, now moved for leave to enter a non-suit or for a new trial, on the ground that the Court had miscarried upon five several points of law. Having read through the judgment given in the case, Mr. Havens submitted against the holding of his Honour.- 1st, that the usefulness of the trade ought to be taken into account; 2ndly, that the abatement of a nuisance could only be justified by some special and distinct damage, apart from the general public damage; 3rdly, that the abator in this case did not, upon the evidence, suffer any special or distinct damage; 4thly that previous notice or request for removal was necessary; and lastly, that the throwing away of the material was an unnecessary proceeding. He argued upon all the points at considerable length, and concluded by submitting that he was entitled to a rule.- His Honour held that the first three points were sufficiently proved at the trial, but granted a rule with regard to the necessity for a notice and the employment of more force in removal than was necessary. Mr. Philbrick, for the defendant, to show cause at the next Court, when (his Honour added) if he should, as he contemplated, have a substitute to officiate for him, Mr. Havens would have the opportunity of having the opinion of another Judge upon the matter.- Mr. Philbrick said that after the attention which his Honour had given to the case it might be more satisfactory for him to go through with it, and suggested a further adjournment with that view.- The Judge said it was perhaps a defect in these Courts that there was no opportunity of appeal from a decision; but by this arrangement his judgment would be reviewed, and he should like it to be so.- Rule granted.”
ALSO - “William Brown, ropemaker, Wivenhoe, v. Ambrose Walford, smack-owner, East Donyland.- Action of £13.6.8 for cordage.- The debt was admitted, and ordered to be paid by instalments of 30s. per month.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 24 October 1848 – “COLCHESTER – ST. DENNIS’S FAIR.- A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Friday, for the proclamation of this fair, according to ancient custom. Many hundreds of persons had congregated in front of the Town hall, at twelve o’clock, in consequence of printed notices having been posted, and circulated about the town during the past week, bearing the signatures of Mr. W.R. Havens, of Donyland, and Jeremiah Prestney, two of the ancient free burgesses of the borough, inviting their brother free burgesses to assemble in front of the |Town Hall, at twelve o’clock, to assert their rights to the corporation, with regard to their (the freemen’s) right by the charter to erect stalls in High-street, and sell goods therein for four days during the fair, which privilege had been done away for several years past, by the authorities, who ordered the stalls to be erected in the fair field, in the parish of St. James. The reporters of the press and the public were excluded from the council chamber during the time the matter was discussed in private by the mayor and council, and about a quarter before one o’clock, the mayor and council issued from the Town Hall, and halted in front of that building, when the town clerk read the proclamation in precisely the same form as last year, viz. “that stalls would be allowed to be erected, and to stand for four days, in the fair field only.” Notwithstanding this, several of the freemen erected their stalls in High-street, which stood uninterrupted when our reporter’s letter was sent off; but it was understood that the police would have directions to remove the stalls in High-street, if the owners refused to do so. It was anticipated by many that there would have been a disturbance, but every thing had passed off without the least interruption up to two o’clock. At the stock fair there was a good show of beasts, most of which were in very fresh condition, but the trade was very heavy, as well as in sheep, of which not more than 1,000 were penned. Prices may be said to be about the same as at Colchester market for several weeks past. Good cart horses and colts were by no means abundant, and the very best descriptions fetched good prices; but there was no disposition to purchase secondary and inferior sorts. Nags were but few, and scarcely any of good quality. Chops and changes were the order of the day, as usual. Upon the whole the transactions were of a very limited character.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 7 November 1848 – “ESSEX COUNTY RATE. EASTERN DIVISION.” East Donyland’s rate was set at £1983. The whole amount for Lexden and Winstree being £106,517.
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 1 December 1848 - “ESSEX ADJOURNED SESSION. The business of this session commenced on Tuesday... Elizabeth Brown, a good-looking young woman, [wife of Thomas Brown – ESSEX HERALD] six months’ hard labour at Colchester [Gaol], for stealing 1s. from John Martin, at East Donyland.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 2 December 1848 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 5th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past Ten o’clock.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 13 January 1849 - “ACCIDENT AT COLCHESTER - At Wallett’s circus, recently erected in the Castle Bailey, an accident happened on Wednesday night of a somewhat alarming nature. The house was a bumper, and the performances were more than half over, when the wind caused two rafters to fall upon the heads of the people in the gallery. A woman from old Heath, and a man from Donyland, were injured, the latter rather seriously. Medical advice was instantly obtained for them, at the expense of the proprietor, who soon after dismissed his audience, but returned them their tickets of admission.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 17 March 1849 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, March 20th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past Ten o’clock.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 24 April 1849 – “GAME LISTS – COUNTY OF ESSEX. List of the Names and Residences of Persons on whom Charges have been confirmed in the double duty of £8. 1s. 8d. [list includes] Purkis (sic), James. East Donyland.”
THE ESSEX HERALD – 19 June 1849 – “COUNTY COURT - Friday 15th. ZACHARIAH BIRCH, blacksmith, Rowhedge, v. CHAS. PETTICAN, of Harwich-road, Colchester.- Mr. Abell was engaged for the defendant. And said his client attended an inquest a short time ago, charged with manslaughter, in consequence of running his cart against a gig in East-street; and in preparing for his defence, requested the plaintiff to attend for three days as a witness on his behalf; and he (Mr. Abell) thought he should be able to show that Birch had now no claim on Pettican for that attendance. Plaintiff, on the contrary, said that having lost his three days’ work, he was entitled to 2s. 6d. a day on that account, and claimed 2s. 6d. in addition for expenses. Mr. Abell objected to this claim, partly because 1s. had been lent to the plaintiff, and partly because plaintiff had promised to make defendant a present of the sum claimed. His Honour seemed rather amused with the latter plea, and asked Mr. Abell, if a man said to a neighbour “I’ll give you a sovereign,” and afterwards refused, whether that could be made ground of action? Mr. Abell said, certainly not. His Honour then added that if a mere promise to pay could not be ground of action, a mere promise not to demand could not be held as ground for defence. But as it appeared, on cross-examination of the plaintiff, that he had only lost one day and two halves through attendance on the inquest, and his expenses could not have been great, as Pettican gave him his dinner on two of the three days, the court gave judgment for payment of 6s. 6d. being 1s. 6d. in addition to what Pettican had previously paid into court as the sum due.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 29 June 1849 - “COLCHESTER QUARTER SESSION. The Midsummer Session for this borough was held to-day (Friday) before C.G. Round, Esq., Recorder, who, in his charge to the Grand Jury, congratulated them upon the small amount of business to come before them, there being only five cases for trial - a circumstance which must be highly satisfactory to the inhabitants of the town.
James Barrett, mariner, and Frederick, his son, were charged with stealing eight pounds of beef, and 60 yards of spun yarn, from the schooner Boa, lying in the Colne, near Rowhedge, and the property of Robert Pitt.- Mr. H.S. Goody appeared for the prosecution.- The prosecutor said on the 7th of June his vessel was lying off Rowhedge, discharging coal; he was on board till half-past five, when he left, and returned at five the following morning; the prisoners were also there between 10 and 11 o’clock, and shortly before they left he missed the beef.- Mr. William Shead, master of the vessel, deposed that he saw the lighter in which the prisoners were on the morning in question; he asked the younger prisoner to pick up a smock which was on board, but he refused, and he upon taking it up himself discovered the beef and spun yard wrapped in it; the lad admitted that it was his smock, but denied all knowledge of the beef, as did his father.- The stolen property was produced by Police-constable Cowell, and identified by the prosecutor.- The elder prisoner addressed the Jury in his defence, and complained of his treatment when taken into custody; he also alleged that at his examination before the magistrates a paper only was read to him, of which he did not catch half-a-dozen words.- Three witnesses were called, and gave the prisoners a good character generally.- The Recorder, in summing up, recommended the Jury, if they entertained any doubt with respect to their verdict, to give due weight to the character they had received.- The Jury retired for 10 minutes, and returned with a verdict of “Not guilty.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 13 July 1849 - “COLCHESTER SMALL DEBTS’ COURT, Wednesday, July 11.- John Pitt v. William Ashley, East Donyland.- Mr. Abell appeared for the plaintiff, who sued for £2.18.2, for bread and flour supplied to the defendant in 1847.- On the part of the defendant Mr. Goody admitted a portion of the debt, but proved from the plaintiff’s books that the defendant had been charged 2d. a loaf more for bread then other customers.- A deduction of 8s.2d. was accordingly allowed by Mr. Abell, and judgment was given for the remainder at 10s.a month.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 19 October 1849 - “THE CHOLERA - Deaths from Cholera and Diarrhoea reported in the Eastern District - ... Donyland, East: Monday, 2.”
THE ESSEX STANDARD - Friday 26 October 1849 - “THE CHOLERA - Deaths from Cholera and Diarrhoea reported in the Eastern District - ... Donyland, East: Friday, 1.”
THE SUFFOLK CHRONICLE - 24 November 1849 - “THE CHASE - The Essex and Suffolk Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, at Donyland Heath, at half-past Ten o’clock.”





